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"""A Client for interacting with the Resource Manager API."""

from import Client as BaseClient
from import Iterator
from import Connection
from import Project

[docs]class Client(BaseClient): """Client to bundle configuration needed for API requests. See for more information on this API. Automatically get credentials:: >>> from import resource_manager >>> client = resource_manager.Client() :type credentials: :class:`oauth2client.client.OAuth2Credentials` or :class:`NoneType` :param credentials: The OAuth2 Credentials to use for the connection owned by this client. If not passed (and if no ``http`` object is passed), falls back to the default inferred from the environment. :type http: :class:`httplib2.Http` or class that defines ``request()``. :param http: An optional HTTP object to make requests. If not passed, an ``http`` object is created that is bound to the ``credentials`` for the current object. """ _connection_class = Connection
[docs] def new_project(self, project_id, name=None, labels=None): """Create a project bound to the current client. Use :meth:`Project.reload() \ <>` to retrieve project metadata after creating a :class:`` instance. .. note: This does not make an API call. :type project_id: str :param project_id: The ID for this project. :type name: string :param name: The display name of the project. :type labels: dict :param labels: A list of labels associated with the project. :rtype: :class:`` :returns: A new instance of a :class:`` **without** any metadata loaded. """ return Project(project_id=project_id, client=self, name=name, labels=labels)
[docs] def fetch_project(self, project_id): """Fetch an existing project and it's relevant metadata by ID. .. note:: If the project does not exist, this will raise a :class:`NotFound <>` error. :type project_id: str :param project_id: The ID for this project. :rtype: :class:`` :returns: A :class:`` with metadata fetched from the API. """ project = self.new_project(project_id) project.reload() return project
[docs] def list_projects(self, filter_params=None, page_size=None): """List the projects visible to this client. Example:: >>> from import resource_manager >>> client = resource_manager.Client() >>> for project in client.list_projects(): ... print project.project_id List all projects with label ``'environment'`` set to ``'prod'`` (filtering by labels):: >>> from import resource_manager >>> client = resource_manager.Client() >>> env_filter = {'labels.environment': 'prod'} >>> for project in client.list_projects(env_filter): ... print project.project_id See: Complete filtering example:: >>> project_filter = { # Return projects with... ... 'name': 'My Project', # name set to 'My Project'. ... 'id': 'my-project-id', # id set to 'my-project-id'. ... 'labels.stage': 'prod', # the label 'stage' set to 'prod' ... 'labels.color': '*' # a label 'color' set to anything. ... } >>> client.list_projects(project_filter) :type filter_params: dict :param filter_params: (Optional) A dictionary of filter options where each key is a property to filter on, and each value is the (case-insensitive) value to check (or the glob ``*`` to check for existence of the property). See the example above for more details. :type page_size: int :param page_size: (Optional) Maximum number of projects to return in a single page. If not passed, defaults to a value set by the API. :rtype: :class:`_ProjectIterator` :returns: A project iterator. The iterator will make multiple API requests if you continue iterating and there are more pages of results. Each item returned will be a. :class:``. """ extra_params = {} if page_size is not None: extra_params['pageSize'] = page_size if filter_params is not None: extra_params['filter'] = filter_params return _ProjectIterator(self, extra_params=extra_params)
class _ProjectIterator(Iterator): """An iterator over a list of Project resources. You shouldn't have to use this directly, but instead should use the helper methods on :class:`` objects. :type client: :class:`` :param client: The client to use for making connections. :type extra_params: dict :param extra_params: (Optional) Extra query string parameters for the API call. """ def __init__(self, client, extra_params=None): super(_ProjectIterator, self).__init__(client=client, path='/projects', extra_params=extra_params) def get_items_from_response(self, response): """Yield projects from response. :type response: dict :param response: The JSON API response for a page of projects. """ for resource in response.get('projects', []): item = Project.from_api_repr(resource, client=self.client) yield item