Using the API#


Client objects provide a means to configure your DNS applications. Each instance holds both a project and an authenticated connection to the DNS service.

For an overview of authentication in google-cloud-python, see Authentication.

Assuming your environment is set up as described in that document, create an instance of Client.

>>> from import dns
>>> client = dns.Client()


A project is the top-level container in the DNS API: it is tied closely to billing, and can provide default access control across all its datasets. If no project is passed to the client container, the library attempts to infer a project using the environment (including explicit environment variables, GAE, or GCE).

To override the project inferred from the environment, pass an explicit project to the constructor, or to either of the alternative classmethod factories:

>>> from import dns
>>> client = dns.Client(project='PROJECT_ID')

Project Quotas#

Query the quotas for a given project:

>>> from import dns
>>> client = dns.Client(project='PROJECT_ID')
>>> quotas = client.quotas()  # API request
>>> for key, value in sorted(quotas.items()):
...     print('%s: %s' % (key, value))
managedZones: 10000
resourceRecordsPerRrset: 100
rrsetsPerManagedZone: 10000
rrsetAdditionsPerChange: 100
rrsetDeletionsPerChange: 100
totalRrdataSizePerChange: 10000

Project ACLs#

Each project has an access control list granting reader / writer / owner permission to one or more entities. This list cannot be queried or set via the API: it must be managed using the Google Developer Console.

Managed Zones#

A “managed zone” is the container for DNS records for the same DNS name suffix and has a set of name servers that accept and responds to queries:

>>> from import dns
>>> client = dns.Client(project='PROJECT_ID')
>>> zone ='acme-co', '',
...                    description='Acme Company zone')

>>> zone.exists()  # API request
>>> zone.create()  # API request
>>> zone.exists()  # API request

List the zones for a given project:

>>> from import dns
>>> client = dns.Client(project='PROJECT_ID')
>>> zones = client.list_zones()  # API request
>>> [ for zone in zones]

Resource Record Sets#

Each managed zone exposes a read-only set of resource records:

>>> from import dns
>>> client = dns.Client(project='PROJECT_ID')
>>> zone ='acme-co', '')
>>> records, page_token = zone.list_resource_record_sets()  # API request
>>> [(, record.record_type, record.ttl, record.rrdatas)
...  for record in records]
[('', 'SOA', 21600, [' 1 21600 3600 1209600 300'])]


The page_token returned from zone.list_resource_record_sets() will be an opaque string if there are more resources than can be returned in a single request. To enumerate them all, repeat calling zone.list_resource_record_sets(), passing the page_token, until the token is None. E.g.

>>> records, page_token = zone.list_resource_record_sets()  # API request
>>> while page_token is not None:
...     next_batch, page_token = zone.list_resource_record_sets(
...         page_token=page_token)  # API request
...     records.extend(next_batch)

Change requests#

Update the resource record set for a zone by creating a change request bundling additions to or deletions from the set.

>>> import time
>>> from import dns
>>> client = dns.Client(project='PROJECT_ID')
>>> zone ='acme-co', '')
>>> TWO_HOURS = 2 * 60 * 60  # seconds
>>> record_set = zone.resource_record_set(
...    '', 'CNAME', TWO_HOURS, ['',])
>>> changes = zone.changes()
>>> changes.add_record_set(record_set)
>>> changes.create()  # API request
>>> while changes.status != 'done':
...     print('Waiting for changes to complete')
...     time.sleep(60)     # or whatever interval is appropriate
...     changes.reload()   # API request

List changes made to the resource record set for a given zone:

>>> from import dns
>>> client = dns.Client(project='PROJECT_ID')
>>> zone ='acme-co', '')
>>> changes = []
>>> changes, page_token = zone.list_changes()  # API request


The page_token returned from zone.list_changes() will be an opaque string if there are more changes than can be returned in a single request. To enumerate them all, repeat calling zone.list_changes(), passing the page_token, until the token is None. E.g.:

>>> changes, page_token = zone.list_changes()  # API request
>>> while page_token is not None:
...     next_batch, page_token = zone.list_changes(
...         page_token=page_token)  # API request
...     changes.extend(next_batch)