Source code for

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Time series for the `Google Stackdriver Monitoring API (V3)`_.

Features intentionally omitted from this first version of the client library:
  * Writing time series.
  * Natural representation of distribution values.

.. _Google Stackdriver Monitoring API (V3):

import collections

from import Metric
from import Resource

[docs]class TimeSeries(collections.namedtuple( 'TimeSeries', 'metric resource metric_kind value_type points')): """A single time series of metric values. The preferred way to construct a :class:`` object is using the :meth:`` factory method of the :class:`` class. :type metric: :class:`` :param metric: A metric object. :type resource: :class:`` :param resource: A resource object. :type metric_kind: string :param metric_kind: The kind of measurement: :data:`MetricKind.GAUGE`, :data:`MetricKind.DELTA`, or :data:`MetricKind.CUMULATIVE`. See :class:``. :type value_type: string :param value_type: The value type of the metric: :data:`ValueType.BOOL`, :data:`ValueType.INT64`, :data:`ValueType.DOUBLE`, :data:`ValueType.STRING`, or :data:`ValueType.DISTRIBUTION`. See :class:``. :type points: list of :class:`Point` :param points: A list of point objects. """ _labels = None @property def labels(self): """A single dictionary with values for all the labels. This combines ``resource.labels`` and ``metric.labels`` and also adds ``"resource_type"``. """ if self._labels is None: labels = {'resource_type': self.resource.type} labels.update(self.resource.labels) labels.update(self.metric.labels) self._labels = labels return self._labels
[docs] def header(self, points=None): """Copy everything but the point data. :type points: list of :class:`Point`, or None :param points: An optional point list. :rtype: :class:`TimeSeries` :returns: The new time series object. """ points = list(points) if points else [] return self._replace(points=points)
@classmethod def _from_dict(cls, info): """Construct a time series from the parsed JSON representation. :type info: dict :param info: A ``dict`` parsed from the JSON wire-format representation. :rtype: :class:`TimeSeries` :returns: A time series object. """ metric = Metric._from_dict(info['metric']) resource = Resource._from_dict(info['resource']) metric_kind = info['metricKind'] value_type = info['valueType'] points = [Point._from_dict(p) for p in info.get('points', ())] return cls(metric, resource, metric_kind, value_type, points) def __repr__(self): """Return a representation string with the points elided.""" return ( '<TimeSeries with {num} points:\n' ' metric={metric!r},\n' ' resource={resource!r},\n' ' metric_kind={kind!r}, value_type={type!r}>' ).format( num=len(self.points), metric=self.metric, resource=self.resource, kind=self.metric_kind, type=self.value_type, )
[docs]class Point(collections.namedtuple('Point', 'end_time start_time value')): """A single point in a time series. :type end_time: string :param end_time: The end time in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format. :type start_time: string or None :param start_time: An optional start time in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format. :type value: object :param value: The metric value. This can be a scalar or a distribution. """ __slots__ = () @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, info): """Construct a Point from the parsed JSON representation. :type info: dict :param info: A ``dict`` parsed from the JSON wire-format representation. :rtype: :class:`Point` :returns: A point object. """ end_time = info['interval']['endTime'] start_time = info['interval'].get('startTime') (value_type, value), = info['value'].items() if value_type == 'int64Value': value = int(value) # Convert from string. return cls(end_time, start_time, value)