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"""Groups for the `Google Stackdriver Monitoring API (V3)`_.

.. _Google Stackdriver Monitoring API (V3):\

import re

from import _datetime_to_rfc3339
from import _name_from_project_path
from import NotFound
from import Resource

_GROUP_TEMPLATE = re.compile(r"""
    projects/            # static prefix
    (?P<project>[^/]+)   # initial letter, wordchars + hyphen
    /groups/             # static midfix
    (?P<name>[^/]+)      # initial letter, wordchars + allowed punc
""", re.VERBOSE)

def _group_id_from_name(path, project=None):
    """Validate a group URI path and get the group ID.

    :type path: string
    :param path: URI path for a group API request.

    :type project: string or None
    :param project: The project associated with the request. It is
                    included for validation purposes.

    :rtype: string
    :returns: Group ID parsed from ``path``.
    :raises: :class:`ValueError` if the ``path`` is ill-formed or if
             the project from the ``path`` does not agree with the
             ``project`` passed in.
    return _name_from_project_path(path, project, _GROUP_TEMPLATE)

def _group_name_from_id(project, group_id):
    """Build the group name given the project and group ID.

    :type project: string
    :param project: The project associated with the group.

    :type group_id: string
    :param group_id: The group ID.

    :rtype: string
    :returns: The fully qualified name of the group.
    return 'projects/{project}/groups/{group_id}'.format(
        project=project, group_id=group_id)

[docs]class Group(object): """A dynamic collection of monitored resources. :type client: :class:`` :param client: A client for operating on the metric descriptor. :type group_id: string or None :param group_id: The ID of the group. :type display_name: string or None :param display_name: A user-assigned name for this group, used only for display purposes. :type parent_id: string or None :param parent_id: The ID of the group's parent, if it has one. :type filter_string: string or None :param filter_string: The filter string used to determine which monitored resources belong to this group. :type is_cluster: boolean :param is_cluster: If true, the members of this group are considered to be a cluster. The system can perform additional analysis on groups that are clusters. """ def __init__(self, client, group_id=None, display_name=None, parent_id=None, filter_string=None, is_cluster=False): self.client = client self._id = group_id self.display_name = display_name self.parent_id = parent_id self.filter = filter_string self.is_cluster = is_cluster if group_id: self._name = _group_name_from_id(client.project, group_id) else: self._name = None @property def id(self): """Returns the group ID. :rtype: str or None :returns: the ID of the group based on it's name. """ return self._id @property def name(self): """Returns the fully qualified name of the group. :rtype: str or None :returns: The fully qualified name of the group in the format "projects/<project>/groups/<id>". """ return self._name @property def parent_name(self): """Returns the fully qualified name of the parent group. :rtype: str or None :returns: The fully qualified name of the parent group. """ if not self.parent_id: return None return _group_name_from_id(self.client.project, self.parent_id) @property def path(self): """URL path to this group. :rtype: str :returns: the path based on project and group name. :raises: :exc:`ValueError` if :attr:`name` is not specified. """ if not raise ValueError('Cannot determine path without group ID.') return '/' +
[docs] def create(self): """Create a new group based on this object via a ``POST`` request. Example:: >>> filter_string = 'resource.type = "gce_instance"' >>> group = ... display_name='My group', ... filter_string=filter_string, ... parent_id='5678', ... is_cluster=True) >>> group.create() The ``name`` attribute is ignored in preparing the creation request. All attributes are overwritten by the values received in the response (normally affecting only ``name``). """ path = '/projects/%s/groups/' % (self.client.project,) info = self.client.connection.api_request( method='POST', path=path, data=self._to_dict()) self._set_properties_from_dict(info)
[docs] def exists(self): """Test for the existence of the group via a ``GET`` request. :rtype: bool :returns: Boolean indicating existence of the group. """ try: self.client.connection.api_request( method='GET', path=self.path, query_params={'fields': 'name'}) except NotFound: return False else: return True
[docs] def reload(self): """Sync local group information via a ``GET`` request. .. warning:: This will overwrite any local changes you've made and not saved via :meth:`update`. """ info = self.client.connection.api_request(method='GET', path=self.path) self._set_properties_from_dict(info)
[docs] def update(self): """Update the group via a ``PUT`` request.""" info = self.client.connection.api_request( method='PUT', path=self.path, data=self._to_dict()) self._set_properties_from_dict(info)
[docs] def delete(self): """Delete the group via a ``DELETE`` request. Example:: >>> group ='1234') >>> group.delete() Only the ``client`` and ``name`` attributes are used. .. warning:: This method will fail for groups that have one or more children groups. """ self.client.connection.api_request(method='DELETE', path=self.path)
[docs] def fetch_parent(self): """Returns the parent group of this group via a ``GET`` request. :rtype: :class:`Group` or None :returns: The parent of the group. """ if not self.parent_id: return None return self._fetch(self.client, self.parent_id)
[docs] def list_children(self): """Lists all children of this group via a ``GET`` request. Returns groups whose parent_name field contains the group name. If no groups have this parent, the results are empty. :rtype: list of :class:`` :returns: A list of group instances. """ return self._list(self.client,
[docs] def list_ancestors(self): """Lists all ancestors of this group via a ``GET`` request. The groups are returned in order, starting with the immediate parent and ending with the most distant ancestor. If the specified group has no immediate parent, the results are empty. :rtype: list of :class:`` :returns: A list of group instances. """ return self._list(self.client,
[docs] def list_descendants(self): """Lists all descendants of this group via a ``GET`` request. This returns a superset of the results returned by the :meth:`children` method, and includes children-of-children, and so forth. :rtype: list of :class:`` :returns: A list of group instances. """ return self._list(self.client,
[docs] def list_members(self, filter_string=None, end_time=None, start_time=None): """Lists all members of this group via a ``GET`` request. If no ``end_time`` is provided then the group membership over the last minute is returned. Example:: >>> for member in group.list_members(): ... print member List members that are Compute Engine VM instances:: >>> filter_string = 'resource.type = "gce_instance"' >>> for member in group.list_members(filter_string=filter_string): ... print member List historical members that existed between 4 and 5 hours ago:: >>> import datetime >>> t1 = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(hours=4) >>> t0 = t1 - datetime.timedelta(hours=1) >>> for member in group.list_members(end_time=t1, start_time=t0): ... print member :type filter_string: string or None :param filter_string: An optional list filter describing the members to be returned. The filter may reference the type, labels, and metadata of monitored resources that comprise the group. See the `filter documentation`_. :type end_time: :class:`datetime.datetime` or None :param end_time: The end time (inclusive) of the time interval for which results should be returned, as a datetime object. If ``start_time`` is specified, then this must also be specified. :type start_time: :class:`datetime.datetime` or None :param start_time: The start time (exclusive) of the time interval for which results should be returned, as a datetime object. :rtype: list of :class:`` :returns: A list of resource instances. :raises: :exc:`ValueError` if the ``start_time`` is specified, but the ``end_time`` is missing. .. _filter documentation: """ if start_time is not None and end_time is None: raise ValueError('If "start_time" is specified, "end_time" must ' 'also be specified') path = '%s/members' % (self.path,) resources = [] page_token = None params = {} if filter_string is not None: params['filter'] = filter_string if end_time is not None: params['interval.endTime'] = _datetime_to_rfc3339( end_time, ignore_zone=False) if start_time is not None: params['interval.startTime'] = _datetime_to_rfc3339( start_time, ignore_zone=False) while True: if page_token is not None: params['pageToken'] = page_token response = self.client.connection.api_request( method='GET', path=path, query_params=params.copy()) for info in response.get('members', ()): resources.append(Resource._from_dict(info)) page_token = response.get('nextPageToken') if not page_token: break return resources
@classmethod def _fetch(cls, client, group_id): """Fetch a group from the API based on it's ID. :type client: :class:`` :param client: The client to use. :type group_id: string :param group_id: The group ID. :rtype: :class:`Group` :returns: The group instance. :raises: :class:`` if the group is not found. """ new_group = cls(client, group_id) new_group.reload() return new_group @classmethod def _list(cls, client, children_of_group=None, ancestors_of_group=None, descendants_of_group=None): """Lists all groups in the project. :type client: :class:`` :param client: The client to use. :type children_of_group: string or None :param children_of_group: Returns groups whose parent_name field contains the group name. If no groups have this parent, the results are empty. :type ancestors_of_group: string or None :param ancestors_of_group: Returns groups that are ancestors of the specified group. If the specified group has no immediate parent, the results are empty. :type descendants_of_group: string or None :param descendants_of_group: Returns the descendants of the specified group. This is a superset of the results returned by the children_of_group filter, and includes children-of-children, and so forth. :rtype: list of :class:`` :returns: A list of group instances. """ path = '/projects/%s/groups/' % (client.project,) groups = [] page_token = None params = {} if children_of_group is not None: params['childrenOfGroup'] = children_of_group if ancestors_of_group is not None: params['ancestorsOfGroup'] = ancestors_of_group if descendants_of_group is not None: params['descendantsOfGroup'] = descendants_of_group while True: if page_token is not None: params['pageToken'] = page_token response = client.connection.api_request( method='GET', path=path, query_params=params.copy()) for info in response.get('group', ()): groups.append(cls._from_dict(client, info)) page_token = response.get('nextPageToken') if not page_token: break return groups @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, client, info): """Constructs a Group instance from the parsed JSON representation. :type client: :class:`` :param client: A client to be included in the returned object. :type info: dict :param info: A ``dict`` parsed from the JSON wire-format representation. :rtype: :class:`Group` :returns: A group. """ group = cls(client) group._set_properties_from_dict(info) return group def _set_properties_from_dict(self, info): """Update the group properties from its API representation. :type info: dict :param info: A ``dict`` parsed from the JSON wire-format representation. """ self._name = info['name'] self._id = _group_id_from_name(self._name) self.display_name = info['displayName'] self.filter = info['filter'] self.is_cluster = info.get('isCluster', False) parent_name = info.get('parentName') if parent_name is None: self.parent_id = None else: self.parent_id = _group_id_from_name(parent_name) def _to_dict(self): """Build a dictionary ready to be serialized to the JSON wire format. :rtype: dict :returns: A dictionary. """ info = { 'filter': self.filter, 'displayName': self.display_name, 'isCluster': self.is_cluster, } if is not None: info['name'] = parent_name = self.parent_name if parent_name is not None: info['parentName'] = parent_name return info def __repr__(self): return '<Group: %s>' % (,)