Source code for

# Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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"""Client for interacting with the Google Stackdriver Logging API."""

import os

    from import (
        ConfigServiceV2Api as GeneratedSinksAPI)
    from import (
        LoggingServiceV2Api as GeneratedLoggingAPI)
    from import (
        MetricsServiceV2Api as GeneratedMetricsAPI)
    from import _LoggingAPI as GAXLoggingAPI
    from import _MetricsAPI as GAXMetricsAPI
    from import _SinksAPI as GAXSinksAPI
except ImportError:  # pragma: NO COVER
    _HAVE_GAX = False
    GeneratedLoggingAPI = GAXLoggingAPI = None
    GeneratedMetricsAPI = GAXMetricsAPI = None
    GeneratedSinksAPI = GAXSinksAPI = None
    _HAVE_GAX = True

from import JSONClient
from import DISABLE_GRPC
from import Connection
from import _LoggingAPI as JSONLoggingAPI
from import _MetricsAPI as JSONMetricsAPI
from import _SinksAPI as JSONSinksAPI
from import ProtobufEntry
from import StructEntry
from import TextEntry
from import Logger
from import Metric
from import Sink

_DISABLE_GAX = os.getenv(DISABLE_GRPC, False)

[docs]class Client(JSONClient): """Client to bundle configuration needed for API requests. :type project: str :param project: the project which the client acts on behalf of. If not passed, falls back to the default inferred from the environment. :type credentials: :class:`oauth2client.client.OAuth2Credentials` or :class:`NoneType` :param credentials: The OAuth2 Credentials to use for the connection owned by this client. If not passed (and if no ``http`` object is passed), falls back to the default inferred from the environment. :type http: :class:`httplib2.Http` or class that defines ``request()``. :param http: An optional HTTP object to make requests. If not passed, an ``http`` object is created that is bound to the ``credentials`` for the current object. """ _connection_class = Connection _logging_api = _sinks_api = _metrics_api = None @property def logging_api(self): """Helper for logging-related API calls. See: """ if self._logging_api is None: if _USE_GAX: generated = GeneratedLoggingAPI() self._logging_api = GAXLoggingAPI(generated) else: self._logging_api = JSONLoggingAPI(self.connection) return self._logging_api @property def sinks_api(self): """Helper for log sink-related API calls. See: """ if self._sinks_api is None: if _USE_GAX: generated = GeneratedSinksAPI() self._sinks_api = GAXSinksAPI(generated) else: self._sinks_api = JSONSinksAPI(self.connection) return self._sinks_api @property def metrics_api(self): """Helper for log metric-related API calls. See: """ if self._metrics_api is None: if _USE_GAX: generated = GeneratedMetricsAPI() self._metrics_api = GAXMetricsAPI(generated) else: self._metrics_api = JSONMetricsAPI(self.connection) return self._metrics_api
[docs] def logger(self, name): """Creates a logger bound to the current client. :type name: str :param name: the name of the logger to be constructed. :rtype: :class:`` :returns: Logger created with the current client. """ return Logger(name, client=self)
def _entry_from_resource(self, resource, loggers): """Detect correct entry type from resource and instantiate. :type resource: dict :param resource: one entry resource from API response :type loggers: dict or None :param loggers: A mapping of logger fullnames -> loggers. If not passed, the entry will have a newly-created logger. :rtype: One of: :class:``, :class:``, :class:`` :returns: the entry instance, constructed via the resource """ if 'textPayload' in resource: return TextEntry.from_api_repr(resource, self, loggers) elif 'jsonPayload' in resource: return StructEntry.from_api_repr(resource, self, loggers) elif 'protoPayload' in resource: return ProtobufEntry.from_api_repr(resource, self, loggers) raise ValueError('Cannot parse log entry resource')
[docs] def list_entries(self, projects=None, filter_=None, order_by=None, page_size=None, page_token=None): """Return a page of log entries. See: :type projects: list of strings :param projects: project IDs to include. If not passed, defaults to the project bound to the client. :type filter_: str :param filter_: a filter expression. See: :type order_by: str :param order_by: One of :data:`` or :data:``. :type page_size: int :param page_size: maximum number of entries to return, If not passed, defaults to a value set by the API. :type page_token: str :param page_token: opaque marker for the next "page" of entries. If not passed, the API will return the first page of entries. :rtype: tuple, (list, str) :returns: list of :class:``, plus a "next page token" string: if not None, indicates that more entries can be retrieved with another call (pass that value as ``page_token``). """ if projects is None: projects = [self.project] resources, token = self.logging_api.list_entries( projects=projects, filter_=filter_, order_by=order_by, page_size=page_size, page_token=page_token) loggers = {} entries = [self._entry_from_resource(resource, loggers) for resource in resources] return entries, token
[docs] def sink(self, name, filter_=None, destination=None): """Creates a sink bound to the current client. :type name: str :param name: the name of the sink to be constructed. :type filter_: str :param filter_: (optional) the advanced logs filter expression defining the entries exported by the sink. If not passed, the instance should already exist, to be refreshed via :meth:`Sink.reload`. :type destination: str :param destination: destination URI for the entries exported by the sink. If not passed, the instance should already exist, to be refreshed via :meth:`Sink.reload`. :rtype: :class:`` :returns: Sink created with the current client. """ return Sink(name, filter_, destination, client=self)
[docs] def list_sinks(self, page_size=None, page_token=None): """List sinks for the project associated with this client. See: :type page_size: int :param page_size: maximum number of sinks to return, If not passed, defaults to a value set by the API. :type page_token: str :param page_token: opaque marker for the next "page" of sinks. If not passed, the API will return the first page of sinks. :rtype: tuple, (list, str) :returns: list of :class:``, plus a "next page token" string: if not None, indicates that more sinks can be retrieved with another call (pass that value as ``page_token``). """ resources, token = self.sinks_api.list_sinks( self.project, page_size, page_token) sinks = [Sink.from_api_repr(resource, self) for resource in resources] return sinks, token
[docs] def metric(self, name, filter_=None, description=''): """Creates a metric bound to the current client. :type name: str :param name: the name of the metric to be constructed. :type filter_: str :param filter_: the advanced logs filter expression defining the entries tracked by the metric. If not passed, the instance should already exist, to be refreshed via :meth:`Metric.reload`. :type description: str :param description: the description of the metric to be constructed. If not passed, the instance should already exist, to be refreshed via :meth:`Metric.reload`. :rtype: :class:`` :returns: Metric created with the current client. """ return Metric(name, filter_, client=self, description=description)
[docs] def list_metrics(self, page_size=None, page_token=None): """List metrics for the project associated with this client. See: :type page_size: int :param page_size: maximum number of metrics to return, If not passed, defaults to a value set by the API. :type page_token: str :param page_token: opaque marker for the next "page" of metrics. If not passed, the API will return the first page of metrics. :rtype: tuple, (list, str) :returns: list of :class:``, plus a "next page token" string: if not None, indicates that more metrics can be retrieved with another call (pass that value as ``page_token``). """ resources, token = self.metrics_api.list_metrics( self.project, page_size, page_token) metrics = [Metric.from_api_repr(resource, self) for resource in resources] return metrics, token