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"""Google Cloud Natural Language API helpers for tokenized text.

The ``annotateText`` method, when used with the "syntax" feature,
breaks a document down into tokens and sentences.

[docs]class PartOfSpeech(object): """Part of speech of a :class:`Token`.""" UNKNOWN = 'UNKNOWN' """Unknown part of speech.""" ADJECTIVE = 'ADJ' """Part of speech: Adjective.""" ADPOSITION = 'ADP' """Adposition (preposition and postposition).""" ADVERB = 'ADV' """Adverb.""" CONJUNCTION = 'CONJ' """Conjunction.""" DETERMINER = 'DET' """Determiner.""" NOUN = 'NOUN' """Noun (common and proper).""" CARDINAL_NUMBER = 'NUM' """Cardinal number.""" PRONOUN = 'PRON' """Pronoun.""" PARTICIPLE = 'PRT' """Particle or other function word.""" PUNCTUATION = 'PUNCT' """Punctuation.""" VERB = 'VERB' """Verb (all tenses and modes).""" OTHER = 'X' """Other: foreign words, typos, abbreviations.""" AFFIX = 'AFFIX' """Affix.""" _REVERSE_MAP = { 'UNKNOWN': 'UNKNOWN', 'ADJ': 'ADJECTIVE', 'ADP': 'ADPOSITION', 'ADV': 'ADVERB', 'CONJ': 'CONJUNCTION', 'DET': 'DETERMINER', 'NOUN': 'NOUN', 'NUM': 'CARDINAL_NUMBER', 'PRON': 'PRONOUN', 'PRT': 'PARTICIPLE', 'PUNCT': 'PUNCTUATION', 'VERB': 'VERB', 'X': 'OTHER', 'AFFIX': 'AFFIX', } @classmethod
[docs] def reverse(cls, tag): """Reverses the API's enum name for the one on this class. For example:: >>> PartOfSpeech.OTHER 'X' >>> PartOfSpeech.reverse('X') 'OTHER' :rtype: str :returns: The attribute name corresponding to the API part of speech enum. """ return cls._REVERSE_MAP[tag]
[docs]class Token(object): """A Google Cloud Natural Language API token object. .. _Token message:\ /rest/v1beta1/documents/annotateText#Token .. _Lemma: .. _Label enum:\ rest/v1beta1/documents/annotateText#Label See `Token message`_. :type text_content: str :param text_content: The text that the token is composed of. :type text_begin: int :param text_begin: The beginning offset of the content in the original document according to the encoding type specified in the API request. :type part_of_speech: str :param part_of_speech: The part of speech of the token. See :class:`PartOfSpeech` for possible values. :type edge_index: int :param edge_index: The head of this token in the dependency tree. This is the index of the token which has an arc going to this token. The index is the position of the token in the array of tokens returned by the API method. If this token is a root token, then the ``edge_index`` is its own index. :type edge_label: str :param edge_label: See `Label enum`_. :type lemma: str :param lemma: The `Lemma`_ of the token. """ def __init__(self, text_content, text_begin, part_of_speech, edge_index, edge_label, lemma): self.text_content = text_content self.text_begin = text_begin self.part_of_speech = part_of_speech self.edge_index = edge_index self.edge_label = edge_label self.lemma = lemma @classmethod
[docs] def from_api_repr(cls, payload): """Convert a token from the JSON API into a :class:`Sentiment`. :param payload: dict :type payload: The value from the backend. :rtype: :class:`Token` :returns: The token parsed from the API representation. """ text_span = payload['text'] text_content = text_span['content'] text_begin = text_span['beginOffset'] part_of_speech = payload['partOfSpeech']['tag'] edge = payload['dependencyEdge'] edge_index = edge['headTokenIndex'] edge_label = edge['label'] lemma = payload['lemma'] return cls(text_content, text_begin, part_of_speech, edge_index, edge_label, lemma)
[docs]class Sentence(object): """A Google Cloud Natural Language API sentence object. .. _Sentence message:\ /rest/v1beta1/documents/annotateText#Sentence See `Sentence message`_. :type content: str :param content: The text that the sentence is composed of. :type begin: int :param begin: The beginning offset of the sentence in the original document according to the encoding type specified in the API request. """ def __init__(self, content, begin): self.content = content self.begin = begin @classmethod
[docs] def from_api_repr(cls, payload): """Convert a sentence from the JSON API into a :class:`Sentiment`. :param payload: dict :type payload: The value from the backend. :rtype: :class:`Sentence` :returns: The sentence parsed from the API representation. """ text_span = payload['text'] return cls(text_span['content'], text_span['beginOffset'])