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"""Definition for Google Cloud Natural Language API documents.

A document is used to hold text to be analyzed and annotated.

import collections

from import Entity
from import Sentiment
from import Sentence
from import Token

"""Default document language, English."""

Annotations = collections.namedtuple(
    'sentences tokens sentiment entities')
"""Annotations for a document.

:type sentences: list
:param sentences: List of :class:`.Sentence` in a document.

:type tokens: list
:param tokens: List of :class:`.Token` from a document.

:type sentiment: :class:`Sentiment`
:param sentiment: The sentiment of a document.

:type entities: list
:param entities: List of :class:`~.language.entity.Entity`
                 found in a document.

[docs]class Encoding(object): """Document text encoding types.""" NONE = 'NONE' """Unspecified encoding type.""" UTF8 = 'UTF8' """UTF-8 encoding type.""" UTF16 = 'UTF16' """UTF-16 encoding type.""" UTF32 = 'UTF32' """UTF-32 encoding type."""
[docs]class Document(object): """Document to send to Google Cloud Natural Language API. Represents either plain text or HTML, and the content is either stored on the document or referred to in a Google Cloud Storage object. :type client: :class:`` :param client: A client which holds credentials and other configuration. :type content: str :param content: (Optional) The document text content (either plain text or HTML). :type gcs_url: str :param gcs_url: (Optional) The URL of the Google Cloud Storage object holding the content. Of the form ``gs://{bucket}/{blob-name}``. :type doc_type: str :param doc_type: (Optional) The type of text in the document. Defaults to plain text. Can be one of :attr:`~.Document.PLAIN_TEXT` or or :attr:`~.Document.HTML`. :type language: str :param language: (Optional) The language of the document text. Defaults to :data:`DEFAULT_LANGUAGE`. :type encoding: str :param encoding: (Optional) The encoding of the document text. Defaults to UTF-8. Can be one of :attr:`~.Encoding.UTF8`, :attr:`~.Encoding.UTF16` or :attr:`~.Encoding.UTF32`. :raises: :class:`~exceptions.ValueError` both ``content`` and ``gcs_url`` are specified or if neither are specified. """ TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 'TYPE_UNSPECIFIED' """Unspecified document type.""" PLAIN_TEXT = 'PLAIN_TEXT' """Plain text document type.""" HTML = 'HTML' """HTML document type.""" def __init__(self, client, content=None, gcs_url=None, doc_type=PLAIN_TEXT, language=DEFAULT_LANGUAGE, encoding=Encoding.UTF8): if content is not None and gcs_url is not None: raise ValueError('A Document cannot contain both local text and ' 'a link to text in a Google Cloud Storage object') if content is None and gcs_url is None: raise ValueError('A Document must contain either local text or a ' 'link to text in a Google Cloud Storage object') self.client = client self.content = content self.gcs_url = gcs_url self.doc_type = doc_type self.language = language self.encoding = encoding def _to_dict(self): """Helper to convert the current document into a dictionary. To be used when constructing requests. :rtype: dict :returns: The Document value as a JSON dictionary. """ info = { 'type': self.doc_type, 'language': self.language, } if self.content is not None: info['content'] = self.content elif self.gcs_url is not None: info['gcsContentUri'] = self.gcs_url return info
[docs] def analyze_entities(self): """Analyze the entities in the current document. Finds named entities (currently finds proper names as of August 2016) in the text, entity types, salience, mentions for each entity, and other properties. .. _analyzeEntities:\ reference/rest/v1beta1/documents/analyzeEntities See `analyzeEntities`_. :rtype: list :returns: A list of :class:`~.language.entity.Entity` returned from the API. """ data = { 'document': self._to_dict(), 'encodingType': self.encoding, } api_response = self.client.connection.api_request( method='POST', path='analyzeEntities', data=data) return [Entity.from_api_repr(entity) for entity in api_response['entities']]
[docs] def analyze_sentiment(self): """Analyze the sentiment in the current document. .. _analyzeSentiment:\ reference/rest/v1beta1/documents/analyzeSentiment See `analyzeSentiment`_. :rtype: :class:`.Sentiment` :returns: The sentiment of the current document. """ data = {'document': self._to_dict()} api_response = self.client.connection.api_request( method='POST', path='analyzeSentiment', data=data) return Sentiment.from_api_repr(api_response['documentSentiment'])
[docs] def annotate_text(self, include_syntax=True, include_entities=True, include_sentiment=True): """Advanced natural language API: document syntax and other features. Includes the full functionality of :meth:`analyze_entities` and :meth:`analyze_sentiment`, enabled by the flags ``include_entities`` and ``include_sentiment`` respectively. In addition ``include_syntax`` adds a new feature that analyzes the document for semantic and syntacticinformation. .. note:: This API is intended for users who are familiar with machine learning and need in-depth text features to build upon. .. _annotateText:\ reference/rest/v1beta1/documents/annotateText See `annotateText`_. :type include_syntax: bool :param include_syntax: (Optional) Flag to enable syntax analysis of the current document. :type include_entities: bool :param include_entities: (Optional) Flag to enable entity extraction from the current document. :type include_sentiment: bool :param include_sentiment: (Optional) Flag to enable sentiment analysis of the current document. :rtype: :class:`Annotations` :returns: A tuple of each of the four values returned from the API: sentences, tokens, sentiment and entities. """ features = {} if include_syntax: features['extractSyntax'] = True if include_entities: features['extractEntities'] = True if include_sentiment: features['extractDocumentSentiment'] = True data = { 'document': self._to_dict(), 'features': features, 'encodingType': self.encoding, } api_response = self.client.connection.api_request( method='POST', path='annotateText', data=data) sentences = [Sentence.from_api_repr(sentence) for sentence in api_response['sentences']] tokens = [Token.from_api_repr(token) for token in api_response['tokens']] sentiment_info = api_response.get('documentSentiment') if sentiment_info is None: sentiment = None else: sentiment = Sentiment.from_api_repr(sentiment_info) entities = [Entity.from_api_repr(entity) for entity in api_response['entities']] annotations = Annotations( sentences=sentences, tokens=tokens, sentiment=sentiment, entities=entities, ) return annotations