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"""Create / interact with a batch of updates / deletes.

Batches provide the ability to execute multiple operations
in a single request to the Cloud Datastore API.


from import helpers
from import datastore_pb2 as _datastore_pb2

[docs]class Batch(object): """An abstraction representing a collected group of updates / deletes. Used to build up a bulk mutation. For example, the following snippet of code will put the two ``save`` operations and the ``delete`` operation into the same mutation, and send them to the server in a single API request:: >>> from import datastore >>> client = datastore.Client() >>> batch = client.batch() >>> batch.put(entity1) >>> batch.put(entity2) >>> batch.delete(key3) >>> batch.commit() You can also use a batch as a context manager, in which case :meth:`commit` will be called automatically if its block exits without raising an exception:: >>> with batch: ... batch.put(entity1) ... batch.put(entity2) ... batch.delete(key3) By default, no updates will be sent if the block exits with an error:: >>> with batch: ... do_some_work(batch) ... raise Exception() # rolls back :type client: :class:`` :param client: The client used to connect to datastore. """ _id = None # "protected" attribute, always None for non-transactions _INITIAL = 0 """Enum value for _INITIAL status of batch/transaction.""" _IN_PROGRESS = 1 """Enum value for _IN_PROGRESS status of batch/transaction.""" _ABORTED = 2 """Enum value for _ABORTED status of batch/transaction.""" _FINISHED = 3 """Enum value for _FINISHED status of batch/transaction.""" def __init__(self, client): self._client = client self._commit_request = _datastore_pb2.CommitRequest() self._partial_key_entities = [] self._status = self._INITIAL
[docs] def current(self): """Return the topmost batch / transaction, or None.""" return self._client.current_batch
@property def project(self): """Getter for project in which the batch will run. :rtype: :class:`str` :returns: The project in which the batch will run. """ return self._client.project @property def namespace(self): """Getter for namespace in which the batch will run. :rtype: :class:`str` :returns: The namespace in which the batch will run. """ return self._client.namespace @property def connection(self): """Getter for connection over which the batch will run. :rtype: :class:`` :returns: The connection over which the batch will run. """ return self._client.connection def _add_partial_key_entity_pb(self): """Adds a new mutation for an entity with a partial key. :rtype: :class:`` :returns: The newly created entity protobuf that will be updated and sent with a commit. """ new_mutation = self.mutations.add() return new_mutation.insert def _add_complete_key_entity_pb(self): """Adds a new mutation for an entity with a completed key. :rtype: :class:`` :returns: The newly created entity protobuf that will be updated and sent with a commit. """ # We use ``upsert`` for entities with completed keys, rather than # ``insert`` or ``update``, in order not to create race conditions # based on prior existence / removal of the entity. new_mutation = self.mutations.add() return new_mutation.upsert def _add_delete_key_pb(self): """Adds a new mutation for a key to be deleted. :rtype: :class:`` :returns: The newly created key protobuf that will be deleted when sent with a commit. """ new_mutation = self.mutations.add() return new_mutation.delete @property def mutations(self): """Getter for the changes accumulated by this batch. Every batch is committed with a single commit request containing all the work to be done as mutations. Inside a batch, calling :meth:`put` with an entity, or :meth:`delete` with a key, builds up the request by adding a new mutation. This getter returns the protobuf that has been built-up so far. :rtype: iterable :returns: The list of :class:`._generated.datastore_pb2.Mutation` protobufs to be sent in the commit request. """ return self._commit_request.mutations
[docs] def put(self, entity): """Remember an entity's state to be saved during :meth:`commit`. .. note:: Any existing properties for the entity will be replaced by those currently set on this instance. Already-stored properties which do not correspond to keys set on this instance will be removed from the datastore. .. note:: Property values which are "text" ('unicode' in Python2, 'str' in Python3) map to 'string_value' in the datastore; values which are "bytes" ('str' in Python2, 'bytes' in Python3) map to 'blob_value'. When an entity has a partial key, calling :meth:`commit` sends it as an ``insert`` mutation and the key is completed. On return, the key for the ``entity`` passed in is updated to match the key ID assigned by the server. :type entity: :class:`` :param entity: the entity to be saved. :raises: :class:`~exceptions.ValueError` if the batch is not in progress, if entity has no key assigned, or if the key's ``project`` does not match ours. """ if self._status != self._IN_PROGRESS: raise ValueError('Batch must be in progress to put()') if entity.key is None: raise ValueError("Entity must have a key") if self.project != entity.key.project: raise ValueError("Key must be from same project as batch") if entity.key.is_partial: entity_pb = self._add_partial_key_entity_pb() self._partial_key_entities.append(entity) else: entity_pb = self._add_complete_key_entity_pb() _assign_entity_to_pb(entity_pb, entity)
[docs] def delete(self, key): """Remember a key to be deleted during :meth:`commit`. :type key: :class:`` :param key: the key to be deleted. :raises: :class:`~exceptions.ValueError` if the batch is not in progress, if key is not complete, or if the key's ``project`` does not match ours. """ if self._status != self._IN_PROGRESS: raise ValueError('Batch must be in progress to delete()') if key.is_partial: raise ValueError("Key must be complete") if self.project != key.project: raise ValueError("Key must be from same project as batch") key_pb = key.to_protobuf() self._add_delete_key_pb().CopyFrom(key_pb)
[docs] def begin(self): """Begins a batch. This method is called automatically when entering a with statement, however it can be called explicitly if you don't want to use a context manager. Overridden by :class:``. :raises: :class:`ValueError` if the batch has already begun. """ if self._status != self._INITIAL: raise ValueError('Batch already started previously.') self._status = self._IN_PROGRESS
def _commit(self): """Commits the batch. This is called by :meth:`commit`. """ # NOTE: ``self._commit_request`` will be modified. _, updated_keys = self.connection.commit( self.project, self._commit_request, self._id) # If the back-end returns without error, we are guaranteed that # :meth:`Connection.commit` will return keys that match (length and # order) directly ``_partial_key_entities``. for new_key_pb, entity in zip(updated_keys, self._partial_key_entities): new_id = new_key_pb.path[-1].id entity.key = entity.key.completed_key(new_id)
[docs] def commit(self): """Commits the batch. This is called automatically upon exiting a with statement, however it can be called explicitly if you don't want to use a context manager. :raises: :class:`~exceptions.ValueError` if the batch is not in progress. """ if self._status != self._IN_PROGRESS: raise ValueError('Batch must be in progress to commit()') try: self._commit() finally: self._status = self._FINISHED
[docs] def rollback(self): """Rolls back the current batch. Marks the batch as aborted (can't be used again). Overridden by :class:``. :raises: :class:`~exceptions.ValueError` if the batch is not in progress. """ if self._status != self._IN_PROGRESS: raise ValueError('Batch must be in progress to rollback()') self._status = self._ABORTED
def __enter__(self): self.begin() # NOTE: We make sure begin() succeeds before pushing onto the stack. self._client._push_batch(self) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): try: if exc_type is None: self.commit() else: self.rollback() finally: self._client._pop_batch()
def _assign_entity_to_pb(entity_pb, entity): """Copy ``entity`` into ``entity_pb``. Helper method for ``Batch.put``. :type entity_pb: :class:`._generated.entity_pb2.Entity` :param entity_pb: The entity owned by a mutation. :type entity: :class:`` :param entity: The entity being updated within the batch / transaction. """ bare_entity_pb = helpers.entity_to_protobuf(entity) bare_entity_pb.key.CopyFrom(bare_entity_pb.key) entity_pb.CopyFrom(bare_entity_pb)