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# Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""A simple wrapper around the OAuth2 credentials library."""

import base64
import datetime
import six
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlencode

from oauth2client import client

from import UTC
from import _NOW
from import _microseconds_from_datetime

[docs]def get_credentials(): """Gets credentials implicitly from the current environment. .. note:: You should not need to use this function directly. Instead, use a helper method which uses this method under the hood. Checks environment in order of precedence: * Google App Engine (production and testing) * Environment variable :envvar:`GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS` pointing to a file with stored credentials information. * Stored "well known" file associated with ``gcloud`` command line tool. * Google Compute Engine production environment. The file referred to in :envvar:`GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS` is expected to contain information about credentials that are ready to use. This means either service account information or user account information with a ready-to-use refresh token: .. code:: json { 'type': 'authorized_user', 'client_id': '...', 'client_secret': '...', 'refresh_token': '...' } or .. code:: json { 'type': 'service_account', 'project_id': '...', 'private_key_id': '...', 'private_key': '...', 'client_email': '...', 'client_id': '...', 'auth_uri': '...', 'token_uri': '...', 'auth_provider_x509_cert_url': '...', 'client_x509_cert_url': '...' } The second of these is simply a JSON key downloaded from the Google APIs console. The first is a close cousin of the "client secrets" JSON file used by :mod:`oauth2client.clientsecrets` but differs in formatting. :rtype: :class:`oauth2client.client.GoogleCredentials`, :class:`oauth2client.contrib.appengine.AppAssertionCredentials`, :class:`oauth2client.contrib.gce.AppAssertionCredentials`, :class:`oauth2client.service_account.ServiceAccountCredentials` :returns: A new credentials instance corresponding to the implicit environment. """ return client.GoogleCredentials.get_application_default()
def _get_signed_query_params(credentials, expiration, string_to_sign): """Gets query parameters for creating a signed URL. :type credentials: :class:`oauth2client.client.AssertionCredentials` :param credentials: The credentials used to create a private key for signing text. :type expiration: int or long :param expiration: When the signed URL should expire. :type string_to_sign: string :param string_to_sign: The string to be signed by the credentials. :raises AttributeError: If :meth: sign_blob is unavailable. :rtype: dict :returns: Query parameters matching the signing credentials with a signed payload. """ if not hasattr(credentials, 'sign_blob'): auth_uri = ('' 'google-cloud-auth.html#setting-up-a-service-account') raise AttributeError('you need a private key to sign credentials.' 'the credentials you are currently using %s ' 'just contains a token. see %s for more ' 'details.' % (type(credentials), auth_uri)) _, signature_bytes = credentials.sign_blob(string_to_sign) signature = base64.b64encode(signature_bytes) service_account_name = credentials.service_account_email return { 'GoogleAccessId': service_account_name, 'Expires': str(expiration), 'Signature': signature, } def _get_expiration_seconds(expiration): """Convert 'expiration' to a number of seconds in the future. :type expiration: int, long, datetime.datetime, datetime.timedelta :param expiration: When the signed URL should expire. :raises TypeError: When expiration is not an integer. :rtype: int :returns: a timestamp as an absolute number of seconds. """ # If it's a timedelta, add it to `now` in UTC. if isinstance(expiration, datetime.timedelta): now = _NOW().replace(tzinfo=UTC) expiration = now + expiration # If it's a datetime, convert to a timestamp. if isinstance(expiration, datetime.datetime): micros = _microseconds_from_datetime(expiration) expiration = micros // 10**6 if not isinstance(expiration, six.integer_types): raise TypeError('Expected an integer timestamp, datetime, or ' 'timedelta. Got %s' % type(expiration)) return expiration
[docs]def generate_signed_url(credentials, resource, expiration, api_access_endpoint='', method='GET', content_md5=None, content_type=None, response_type=None, response_disposition=None, generation=None): """Generate signed URL to provide query-string auth'n to a resource. .. note:: Assumes ``credentials`` implements a ``sign_blob()`` method that takes bytes to sign and returns a pair of the key ID (unused here) and the signed bytes (this is abstract in the base class :class:`oauth2client.client.AssertionCredentials`). Also assumes ``credentials`` has a ``service_account_email`` property which identifies the credentials. .. note:: If you are on Google Compute Engine, you can't generate a signed URL. Follow `Issue 922`_ for updates on this. If you'd like to be able to generate a signed URL from GCE, you can use a standard service account from a JSON file rather than a GCE service account. See headers `reference`_ for more details on optional arguments. .. _Issue 922:\ google-cloud-python/issues/922 .. _reference: :type credentials: :class:`oauth2client.appengine.AppAssertionCredentials` :param credentials: Credentials object with an associated private key to sign text. :type resource: string :param resource: A pointer to a specific resource (typically, ``/bucket-name/path/to/blob.txt``). :type expiration: :class:`int`, :class:`long`, :class:`datetime.datetime`, :class:`datetime.timedelta` :param expiration: When the signed URL should expire. :type api_access_endpoint: str :param api_access_endpoint: Optional URI base. Defaults to empty string. :type method: str :param method: The HTTP verb that will be used when requesting the URL. Defaults to ``'GET'``. :type content_md5: str :param content_md5: (Optional) The MD5 hash of the object referenced by ``resource``. :type content_type: str :param content_type: (Optional) The content type of the object referenced by ``resource``. :type response_type: str :param response_type: (Optional) Content type of responses to requests for the signed URL. Used to over-ride the content type of the underlying resource. :type response_disposition: str :param response_disposition: (Optional) Content disposition of responses to requests for the signed URL. :type generation: str :param generation: (Optional) A value that indicates which generation of the resource to fetch. :rtype: string :returns: A signed URL you can use to access the resource until expiration. """ expiration = _get_expiration_seconds(expiration) # Generate the string to sign. string_to_sign = '\n'.join([ method, content_md5 or '', content_type or '', str(expiration), resource]) # Set the right query parameters. query_params = _get_signed_query_params(credentials, expiration, string_to_sign) if response_type is not None: query_params['response-content-type'] = response_type if response_disposition is not None: query_params['response-content-disposition'] = response_disposition if generation is not None: query_params['generation'] = generation # Return the built URL. return '{endpoint}{resource}?{querystring}'.format( endpoint=api_access_endpoint, resource=resource, querystring=urlencode(query_params))