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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Define API Jobs."""

import six

from import NotFound
from import _datetime_from_microseconds
from import Dataset
from import SchemaField
from import Table
from import _build_schema_resource
from import _parse_schema_resource
from import UDFResourcesProperty
from import _EnumProperty
from import _TypedProperty
from import _build_udf_resources

[docs]class Compression(_EnumProperty): """Pseudo-enum for ``compression`` properties.""" GZIP = 'GZIP' NONE = 'NONE' ALLOWED = (GZIP, NONE)
[docs]class CreateDisposition(_EnumProperty): """Pseudo-enum for ``create_disposition`` properties.""" CREATE_IF_NEEDED = 'CREATE_IF_NEEDED' CREATE_NEVER = 'CREATE_NEVER' ALLOWED = (CREATE_IF_NEEDED, CREATE_NEVER)
[docs]class DestinationFormat(_EnumProperty): """Pseudo-enum for ``destination_format`` properties.""" CSV = 'CSV' NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON = 'NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON' AVRO = 'AVRO' ALLOWED = (CSV, NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON, AVRO)
[docs]class Encoding(_EnumProperty): """Pseudo-enum for ``encoding`` properties.""" UTF_8 = 'UTF-8' ISO_8559_1 = 'ISO-8559-1' ALLOWED = (UTF_8, ISO_8559_1)
[docs]class QueryPriority(_EnumProperty): """Pseudo-enum for ``QueryJob.priority`` property.""" INTERACTIVE = 'INTERACTIVE' BATCH = 'BATCH' ALLOWED = (INTERACTIVE, BATCH)
[docs]class WriteDisposition(_EnumProperty): """Pseudo-enum for ``write_disposition`` properties.""" WRITE_APPEND = 'WRITE_APPEND' WRITE_TRUNCATE = 'WRITE_TRUNCATE' WRITE_EMPTY = 'WRITE_EMPTY' ALLOWED = (WRITE_APPEND, WRITE_TRUNCATE, WRITE_EMPTY)
class _BaseJob(object): """Base class for jobs. :type client: :class:`` :param client: A client which holds credentials and project configuration for the dataset (which requires a project). """ def __init__(self, client): self._client = client self._properties = {} @property def project(self): """Project bound to the job. :rtype: string :returns: the project (derived from the client). """ return self._client.project def _require_client(self, client): """Check client or verify over-ride. :type client: :class:`` or ``NoneType`` :param client: the client to use. If not passed, falls back to the ``client`` stored on the current dataset. :rtype: :class:`` :returns: The client passed in or the currently bound client. """ if client is None: client = self._client return client class _AsyncJob(_BaseJob): """Base class for asynchronous jobs. :type name: string :param name: the name of the job :type client: :class:`` :param client: A client which holds credentials and project configuration for the dataset (which requires a project). """ def __init__(self, name, client): super(_AsyncJob, self).__init__(client) = name @property def job_type(self): """Type of job :rtype: string :returns: one of 'load', 'copy', 'extract', 'query' """ return self._JOB_TYPE @property def path(self): """URL path for the job's APIs. :rtype: string :returns: the path based on project and job name. """ return '/projects/%s/jobs/%s' % (self.project, @property def etag(self): """ETag for the job resource. :rtype: string, or ``NoneType`` :returns: the ETag (None until set from the server). """ return self._properties.get('etag') @property def self_link(self): """URL for the job resource. :rtype: string, or ``NoneType`` :returns: the URL (None until set from the server). """ return self._properties.get('selfLink') @property def user_email(self): """E-mail address of user who submitted the job. :rtype: string, or ``NoneType`` :returns: the URL (None until set from the server). """ return self._properties.get('user_email') @property def created(self): """Datetime at which the job was created. :rtype: ``datetime.datetime``, or ``NoneType`` :returns: the creation time (None until set from the server). """ statistics = self._properties.get('statistics') if statistics is not None: millis = statistics.get('creationTime') if millis is not None: return _datetime_from_microseconds(millis * 1000.0) @property def started(self): """Datetime at which the job was started. :rtype: ``datetime.datetime``, or ``NoneType`` :returns: the start time (None until set from the server). """ statistics = self._properties.get('statistics') if statistics is not None: millis = statistics.get('startTime') if millis is not None: return _datetime_from_microseconds(millis * 1000.0) @property def ended(self): """Datetime at which the job finished. :rtype: ``datetime.datetime``, or ``NoneType`` :returns: the end time (None until set from the server). """ statistics = self._properties.get('statistics') if statistics is not None: millis = statistics.get('endTime') if millis is not None: return _datetime_from_microseconds(millis * 1000.0) @property def error_result(self): """Error information about the job as a whole. :rtype: mapping, or ``NoneType`` :returns: the error information (None until set from the server). """ status = self._properties.get('status') if status is not None: return status.get('errorResult') @property def errors(self): """Information about individual errors generated by the job. :rtype: list of mappings, or ``NoneType`` :returns: the error information (None until set from the server). """ status = self._properties.get('status') if status is not None: return status.get('errors') @property def state(self): """Status of the job. :rtype: string, or ``NoneType`` :returns: the state (None until set from the server). """ status = self._properties.get('status') if status is not None: return status.get('state') def _scrub_local_properties(self, cleaned): """Helper: handle subclass properties in cleaned.""" pass def _set_properties(self, api_response): """Update properties from resource in body of ``api_response`` :type api_response: httplib2.Response :param api_response: response returned from an API call """ cleaned = api_response.copy() self._scrub_local_properties(cleaned) statistics = cleaned.get('statistics', {}) if 'creationTime' in statistics: statistics['creationTime'] = float(statistics['creationTime']) if 'startTime' in statistics: statistics['startTime'] = float(statistics['startTime']) if 'endTime' in statistics: statistics['endTime'] = float(statistics['endTime']) self._properties.clear() self._properties.update(cleaned) @classmethod def _get_resource_config(cls, resource): """Helper for :meth:`from_api_repr` :type resource: dict :param resource: resource for the job :rtype: dict :returns: tuple (string, dict), where the first element is the job name and the second contains job-specific configuration. :raises: :class:`KeyError` if the resource has no identifier, or is missing the appropriate configuration. """ if ('jobReference' not in resource or 'jobId' not in resource['jobReference']): raise KeyError('Resource lacks required identity information: ' '["jobReference"]["jobId"]') name = resource['jobReference']['jobId'] if ('configuration' not in resource or cls._JOB_TYPE not in resource['configuration']): raise KeyError('Resource lacks required configuration: ' '["configuration"]["%s"]' % cls._JOB_TYPE) config = resource['configuration'][cls._JOB_TYPE] return name, config def begin(self, client=None): """API call: begin the job via a POST request See: :type client: :class:`` or ``NoneType`` :param client: the client to use. If not passed, falls back to the ``client`` stored on the current dataset. :raises: :exc:`ValueError` if the job has already begin. """ if self.state is not None: raise ValueError("Job already begun.") client = self._require_client(client) path = '/projects/%s/jobs' % (self.project,) api_response = client.connection.api_request( method='POST', path=path, data=self._build_resource()) self._set_properties(api_response) def exists(self, client=None): """API call: test for the existence of the job via a GET request See :type client: :class:`` or ``NoneType`` :param client: the client to use. If not passed, falls back to the ``client`` stored on the current dataset. :rtype: bool :returns: Boolean indicating existence of the job. """ client = self._require_client(client) try: client.connection.api_request(method='GET', path=self.path, query_params={'fields': 'id'}) except NotFound: return False else: return True def reload(self, client=None): """API call: refresh job properties via a GET request See :type client: :class:`` or ``NoneType`` :param client: the client to use. If not passed, falls back to the ``client`` stored on the current dataset. """ client = self._require_client(client) api_response = client.connection.api_request( method='GET', path=self.path) self._set_properties(api_response) def cancel(self, client=None): """API call: cancel job via a POST request See :type client: :class:`` or ``NoneType`` :param client: the client to use. If not passed, falls back to the ``client`` stored on the current dataset. """ client = self._require_client(client) api_response = client.connection.api_request( method='POST', path='%s/cancel' % (self.path,)) self._set_properties(api_response) class _LoadConfiguration(object): """User-settable configuration options for load jobs. Values which are ``None`` -> server defaults. """ _allow_jagged_rows = None _allow_quoted_newlines = None _create_disposition = None _encoding = None _field_delimiter = None _ignore_unknown_values = None _max_bad_records = None _quote_character = None _skip_leading_rows = None _source_format = None _write_disposition = None
[docs]class LoadTableFromStorageJob(_AsyncJob): """Asynchronous job for loading data into a table from CloudStorage. :type name: string :param name: the name of the job :type destination: :class:`` :param destination: Table into which data is to be loaded. :type source_uris: sequence of string :param source_uris: URIs of one or more data files to be loaded, in format ``gs://<bucket_name>/<object_name_or_glob>``. :type client: :class:`` :param client: A client which holds credentials and project configuration for the dataset (which requires a project). :type schema: list of :class:`` :param schema: The job's schema """ _schema = None _JOB_TYPE = 'load' def __init__(self, name, destination, source_uris, client, schema=()): super(LoadTableFromStorageJob, self).__init__(name, client) self.destination = destination self.source_uris = source_uris # Let the @property do validation. self.schema = schema self._configuration = _LoadConfiguration() @property def schema(self): """Table's schema. :rtype: list of :class:`SchemaField` :returns: fields describing the schema """ return list(self._schema) @schema.setter def schema(self, value): """Update table's schema :type value: list of :class:`SchemaField` :param value: fields describing the schema :raises: TypeError if 'value' is not a sequence, or ValueError if any item in the sequence is not a SchemaField """ if not all(isinstance(field, SchemaField) for field in value): raise ValueError('Schema items must be fields') self._schema = tuple(value) @property def input_file_bytes(self): """Count of bytes loaded from source files. :rtype: integer, or ``NoneType`` :returns: the count (None until set from the server). """ statistics = self._properties.get('statistics') if statistics is not None: return int(statistics['load']['inputFileBytes']) @property def input_files(self): """Count of source files. :rtype: integer, or ``NoneType`` :returns: the count (None until set from the server). """ statistics = self._properties.get('statistics') if statistics is not None: return int(statistics['load']['inputFiles']) @property def output_bytes(self): """Count of bytes saved to destination table. :rtype: integer, or ``NoneType`` :returns: the count (None until set from the server). """ statistics = self._properties.get('statistics') if statistics is not None: return int(statistics['load']['outputBytes']) @property def output_rows(self): """Count of rows saved to destination table. :rtype: integer, or ``NoneType`` :returns: the count (None until set from the server). """ statistics = self._properties.get('statistics') if statistics is not None: return int(statistics['load']['outputRows']) allow_jagged_rows = _TypedProperty('allow_jagged_rows', bool) """See: """ allow_quoted_newlines = _TypedProperty('allow_quoted_newlines', bool) """See: """ create_disposition = CreateDisposition('create_disposition') """See: """ encoding = Encoding('encoding') """See: """ field_delimiter = _TypedProperty('field_delimiter', six.string_types) """See: """ ignore_unknown_values = _TypedProperty('ignore_unknown_values', bool) """See: """ max_bad_records = _TypedProperty('max_bad_records', six.integer_types) """See: """ quote_character = _TypedProperty('quote_character', six.string_types) """See: """ skip_leading_rows = _TypedProperty('skip_leading_rows', six.integer_types) """See: """ source_format = SourceFormat('source_format') """See: """ write_disposition = WriteDisposition('write_disposition') """See: """ def _populate_config_resource(self, configuration): """Helper for _build_resource: copy config properties to resource""" if self.allow_jagged_rows is not None: configuration['allowJaggedRows'] = self.allow_jagged_rows if self.allow_quoted_newlines is not None: configuration['allowQuotedNewlines'] = self.allow_quoted_newlines if self.create_disposition is not None: configuration['createDisposition'] = self.create_disposition if self.encoding is not None: configuration['encoding'] = self.encoding if self.field_delimiter is not None: configuration['fieldDelimiter'] = self.field_delimiter if self.ignore_unknown_values is not None: configuration['ignoreUnknownValues'] = self.ignore_unknown_values if self.max_bad_records is not None: configuration['maxBadRecords'] = self.max_bad_records if self.quote_character is not None: configuration['quote'] = self.quote_character if self.skip_leading_rows is not None: configuration['skipLeadingRows'] = self.skip_leading_rows if self.source_format is not None: configuration['sourceFormat'] = self.source_format if self.write_disposition is not None: configuration['writeDisposition'] = self.write_disposition def _build_resource(self): """Generate a resource for :meth:`begin`.""" resource = { 'jobReference': { 'projectId': self.project, 'jobId':, }, 'configuration': { self._JOB_TYPE: { 'sourceUris': self.source_uris, 'destinationTable': { 'projectId': self.destination.project, 'datasetId': self.destination.dataset_name, 'tableId':, }, }, }, } configuration = resource['configuration'][self._JOB_TYPE] self._populate_config_resource(configuration) if len(self.schema) > 0: configuration['schema'] = { 'fields': _build_schema_resource(self.schema)} return resource def _scrub_local_properties(self, cleaned): """Helper: handle subclass properties in cleaned.""" schema = cleaned.pop('schema', {'fields': ()}) self.schema = _parse_schema_resource(schema) @classmethod
[docs] def from_api_repr(cls, resource, client): """Factory: construct a job given its API representation .. note: This method assumes that the project found in the resource matches the client's project. :type resource: dict :param resource: dataset job representation returned from the API :type client: :class:`` :param client: Client which holds credentials and project configuration for the dataset. :rtype: :class:`` :returns: Job parsed from ``resource``. """ name, config = cls._get_resource_config(resource) dest_config = config['destinationTable'] dataset = Dataset(dest_config['datasetId'], client) destination = Table(dest_config['tableId'], dataset) source_urls = config.get('sourceUris', ()) job = cls(name, destination, source_urls, client=client) job._set_properties(resource) return job
class _CopyConfiguration(object): """User-settable configuration options for copy jobs. Values which are ``None`` -> server defaults. """ _create_disposition = None _write_disposition = None
[docs]class CopyJob(_AsyncJob): """Asynchronous job: copy data into a table from other tables. :type name: string :param name: the name of the job :type destination: :class:`` :param destination: Table into which data is to be loaded. :type sources: list of :class:`` :param sources: Table into which data is to be loaded. :type client: :class:`` :param client: A client which holds credentials and project configuration for the dataset (which requires a project). """ _JOB_TYPE = 'copy' def __init__(self, name, destination, sources, client): super(CopyJob, self).__init__(name, client) self.destination = destination self.sources = sources self._configuration = _CopyConfiguration() create_disposition = CreateDisposition('create_disposition') """See: """ write_disposition = WriteDisposition('write_disposition') """See: """ def _populate_config_resource(self, configuration): """Helper for _build_resource: copy config properties to resource""" if self.create_disposition is not None: configuration['createDisposition'] = self.create_disposition if self.write_disposition is not None: configuration['writeDisposition'] = self.write_disposition def _build_resource(self): """Generate a resource for :meth:`begin`.""" source_refs = [{ 'projectId': table.project, 'datasetId': table.dataset_name, 'tableId':, } for table in self.sources] resource = { 'jobReference': { 'projectId': self.project, 'jobId':, }, 'configuration': { self._JOB_TYPE: { 'sourceTables': source_refs, 'destinationTable': { 'projectId': self.destination.project, 'datasetId': self.destination.dataset_name, 'tableId':, }, }, }, } configuration = resource['configuration'][self._JOB_TYPE] self._populate_config_resource(configuration) return resource @classmethod
[docs] def from_api_repr(cls, resource, client): """Factory: construct a job given its API representation .. note: This method assumes that the project found in the resource matches the client's project. :type resource: dict :param resource: dataset job representation returned from the API :type client: :class:`` :param client: Client which holds credentials and project configuration for the dataset. :rtype: :class:`` :returns: Job parsed from ``resource``. """ name, config = cls._get_resource_config(resource) dest_config = config['destinationTable'] dataset = Dataset(dest_config['datasetId'], client) destination = Table(dest_config['tableId'], dataset) sources = [] for source_config in config['sourceTables']: dataset = Dataset(source_config['datasetId'], client) sources.append(Table(source_config['tableId'], dataset)) job = cls(name, destination, sources, client=client) job._set_properties(resource) return job
class _ExtractConfiguration(object): """User-settable configuration options for extract jobs. Values which are ``None`` -> server defaults. """ _compression = None _destination_format = None _field_delimiter = None _print_header = None
[docs]class ExtractTableToStorageJob(_AsyncJob): """Asynchronous job: extract data from a table into Cloud Storage. :type name: string :param name: the name of the job :type source: :class:`` :param source: Table into which data is to be loaded. :type destination_uris: list of string :param destination_uris: URIs describing Cloud Storage blobs into which extracted data will be written, in format ``gs://<bucket_name>/<object_name_or_glob>``. :type client: :class:`` :param client: A client which holds credentials and project configuration for the dataset (which requires a project). """ _JOB_TYPE = 'extract' def __init__(self, name, source, destination_uris, client): super(ExtractTableToStorageJob, self).__init__(name, client) self.source = source self.destination_uris = destination_uris self._configuration = _ExtractConfiguration() compression = Compression('compression') """See: """ destination_format = DestinationFormat('destination_format') """See: """ field_delimiter = _TypedProperty('field_delimiter', six.string_types) """See: """ print_header = _TypedProperty('print_header', bool) """See: """ def _populate_config_resource(self, configuration): """Helper for _build_resource: copy config properties to resource""" if self.compression is not None: configuration['compression'] = self.compression if self.destination_format is not None: configuration['destinationFormat'] = self.destination_format if self.field_delimiter is not None: configuration['fieldDelimiter'] = self.field_delimiter if self.print_header is not None: configuration['printHeader'] = self.print_header def _build_resource(self): """Generate a resource for :meth:`begin`.""" source_ref = { 'projectId': self.source.project, 'datasetId': self.source.dataset_name, 'tableId':, } resource = { 'jobReference': { 'projectId': self.project, 'jobId':, }, 'configuration': { self._JOB_TYPE: { 'sourceTable': source_ref, 'destinationUris': self.destination_uris, }, }, } configuration = resource['configuration'][self._JOB_TYPE] self._populate_config_resource(configuration) return resource @classmethod
[docs] def from_api_repr(cls, resource, client): """Factory: construct a job given its API representation .. note: This method assumes that the project found in the resource matches the client's project. :type resource: dict :param resource: dataset job representation returned from the API :type client: :class:`` :param client: Client which holds credentials and project configuration for the dataset. :rtype: :class:`` :returns: Job parsed from ``resource``. """ name, config = cls._get_resource_config(resource) source_config = config['sourceTable'] dataset = Dataset(source_config['datasetId'], client) source = Table(source_config['tableId'], dataset) destination_uris = config['destinationUris'] job = cls(name, source, destination_uris, client=client) job._set_properties(resource) return job
class _AsyncQueryConfiguration(object): """User-settable configuration options for asynchronous query jobs. Values which are ``None`` -> server defaults. """ _allow_large_results = None _create_disposition = None _default_dataset = None _destination = None _flatten_results = None _priority = None _use_query_cache = None _use_legacy_sql = None _write_disposition = None _maximum_billing_tier = None _maximum_bytes_billed = None
[docs]class QueryJob(_AsyncJob): """Asynchronous job: query tables. :type name: string :param name: the name of the job :type query: string :param query: SQL query string :type client: :class:`` :param client: A client which holds credentials and project configuration for the dataset (which requires a project). :type udf_resources: tuple :param udf_resources: An iterable of :class:`` (empty by default) """ _JOB_TYPE = 'query' _UDF_KEY = 'userDefinedFunctionResources' def __init__(self, name, query, client, udf_resources=()): super(QueryJob, self).__init__(name, client) self.query = query self.udf_resources = udf_resources self._configuration = _AsyncQueryConfiguration() allow_large_results = _TypedProperty('allow_large_results', bool) """See: """ create_disposition = CreateDisposition('create_disposition') """See: """ default_dataset = _TypedProperty('default_dataset', Dataset) """See: """ destination = _TypedProperty('destination', Table) """See: """ flatten_results = _TypedProperty('flatten_results', bool) """See: """ priority = QueryPriority('priority') """See: """ udf_resources = UDFResourcesProperty() use_query_cache = _TypedProperty('use_query_cache', bool) """See: """ use_legacy_sql = _TypedProperty('use_legacy_sql', bool) """See:\ reference/v2/jobs#configuration.query.useLegacySql """ write_disposition = WriteDisposition('write_disposition') """See: """ maximum_billing_tier = _TypedProperty('maximum_billing_tier', int) """See: """ maximum_bytes_billed = _TypedProperty('maximum_bytes_billed', int) """See: """ def _destination_table_resource(self): """Create a JSON resource for the destination table. Helper for :meth:`_populate_config_resource` and :meth:`_scrub_local_properties` """ if self.destination is not None: return { 'projectId': self.destination.project, 'datasetId': self.destination.dataset_name, 'tableId':, } def _populate_config_resource(self, configuration): """Helper for _build_resource: copy config properties to resource""" if self.allow_large_results is not None: configuration['allowLargeResults'] = self.allow_large_results if self.create_disposition is not None: configuration['createDisposition'] = self.create_disposition if self.default_dataset is not None: configuration['defaultDataset'] = { 'projectId': self.default_dataset.project, 'datasetId':, } if self.destination is not None: table_res = self._destination_table_resource() configuration['destinationTable'] = table_res if self.flatten_results is not None: configuration['flattenResults'] = self.flatten_results if self.priority is not None: configuration['priority'] = self.priority if self.use_query_cache is not None: configuration['useQueryCache'] = self.use_query_cache if self.use_legacy_sql is not None: configuration['useLegacySql'] = self.use_legacy_sql if self.write_disposition is not None: configuration['writeDisposition'] = self.write_disposition if self.maximum_billing_tier is not None: configuration['maximumBillingTier'] = self.maximum_billing_tier if self.maximum_bytes_billed is not None: configuration['maximumBytesBilled'] = self.maximum_bytes_billed if len(self._udf_resources) > 0: configuration[self._UDF_KEY] = _build_udf_resources( self._udf_resources) def _build_resource(self): """Generate a resource for :meth:`begin`.""" resource = { 'jobReference': { 'projectId': self.project, 'jobId':, }, 'configuration': { self._JOB_TYPE: { 'query': self.query, }, }, } configuration = resource['configuration'][self._JOB_TYPE] self._populate_config_resource(configuration) return resource def _scrub_local_properties(self, cleaned): """Helper: handle subclass properties in cleaned. .. note: This method assumes that the project found in the resource matches the client's project. """ configuration = cleaned['configuration']['query'] dest_remote = configuration.get('destinationTable') if dest_remote is None: if self.destination is not None: del self.destination else: dest_local = self._destination_table_resource() if dest_remote != dest_local: dataset = self._client.dataset(dest_remote['datasetId']) self.destination = dataset.table(dest_remote['tableId']) @classmethod
[docs] def from_api_repr(cls, resource, client): """Factory: construct a job given its API representation :type resource: dict :param resource: dataset job representation returned from the API :type client: :class:`` :param client: Client which holds credentials and project configuration for the dataset. :rtype: :class:`` :returns: Job parsed from ``resource``. """ name, config = cls._get_resource_config(resource) query = config['query'] job = cls(name, query, client=client) job._set_properties(resource) return job
[docs] def results(self): """Construct a QueryResults instance, bound to this job. :rtype: :class:`` :returns: results instance """ from import QueryResults return QueryResults.from_query_job(self)