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"""Define API Topics."""

import base64

from import _datetime_to_rfc3339
from import _NOW
from import NotFound
from import subscription_name_from_path
from import topic_name_from_path
from import Policy
from import Subscription

[docs]class Topic(object): """Topics are targets to which messages can be published. Subscribers then receive those messages. See: :type name: string :param name: the name of the topic :type client: :class:`` :param client: A client which holds credentials and project configuration for the topic (which requires a project). :type timestamp_messages: boolean :param timestamp_messages: If true, the topic will add a ``timestamp`` key to the attributes of each published message: the value will be an RFC 3339 timestamp. """ def __init__(self, name, client, timestamp_messages=False): = name self._client = client self.timestamp_messages = timestamp_messages
[docs] def subscription(self, name, ack_deadline=None, push_endpoint=None): """Creates a subscription bound to the current topic. Example: pull-mode subcription, default paramter values .. literalinclude:: :start-after: [START topic_subscription_defaults] :end-before: [END topic_subscription_defaults] Example: pull-mode subcription, override ``ack_deadline`` default .. literalinclude:: :start-after: [START topic_subscription_ack90] :end-before: [END topic_subscription_ack90] Example: push-mode subcription .. literalinclude:: :start-after: [START topic_subscription_push] :end-before: [END topic_subscription_push] :type name: string :param name: the name of the subscription :type ack_deadline: int :param ack_deadline: the deadline (in seconds) by which messages pulled from the back-end must be acknowledged. :type push_endpoint: string :param push_endpoint: URL to which messages will be pushed by the back-end. If not set, the application must pull messages. :rtype: :class:`Subscription` :returns: The subscription created with the passed in arguments. """ return Subscription(name, self, ack_deadline=ack_deadline, push_endpoint=push_endpoint)
[docs] def from_api_repr(cls, resource, client): """Factory: construct a topic given its API representation :type resource: dict :param resource: topic resource representation returned from the API :type client: :class:`` :param client: Client which holds credentials and project configuration for the topic. :rtype: :class:`` :returns: Topic parsed from ``resource``. :raises: :class:`ValueError` if ``client`` is not ``None`` and the project from the resource does not agree with the project from the client. """ topic_name = topic_name_from_path(resource['name'], client.project) return cls(topic_name, client=client)
@property def project(self): """Project bound to the topic.""" return self._client.project @property def full_name(self): """Fully-qualified name used in topic / subscription APIs""" return 'projects/%s/topics/%s' % (self.project, def _require_client(self, client): """Check client or verify over-ride. :type client: :class:`` or ``NoneType`` :param client: the client to use. If not passed, falls back to the ``client`` stored on the current topic. :rtype: :class:`` :returns: The client passed in or the currently bound client. """ if client is None: client = self._client return client
[docs] def create(self, client=None): """API call: create the topic via a PUT request See: Example: .. literalinclude:: :start-after: [START topic_create] :end-before: [END topic_create] :type client: :class:`` or ``NoneType`` :param client: the client to use. If not passed, falls back to the ``client`` stored on the current topic. """ client = self._require_client(client) api = client.publisher_api api.topic_create(topic_path=self.full_name)
[docs] def exists(self, client=None): """API call: test for the existence of the topic via a GET request See Example: .. literalinclude:: :start-after: [START topic_exists] :end-before: [END topic_exists] :type client: :class:`` or ``NoneType`` :param client: the client to use. If not passed, falls back to the ``client`` stored on the current topic. :rtype: bool :returns: Boolean indicating existence of the topic. """ client = self._require_client(client) api = client.publisher_api try: api.topic_get(topic_path=self.full_name) except NotFound: return False else: return True
[docs] def delete(self, client=None): """API call: delete the topic via a DELETE request See: Example: .. literalinclude:: :start-after: [START topic_delete] :end-before: [END topic_delete] :type client: :class:`` or ``NoneType`` :param client: the client to use. If not passed, falls back to the ``client`` stored on the current topic. """ client = self._require_client(client) api = client.publisher_api api.topic_delete(topic_path=self.full_name)
def _timestamp_message(self, attrs): """Add a timestamp to ``attrs``, if the topic is so configured. If ``attrs`` already has the key, do nothing. Helper method for ``publish``/``Batch.publish``. """ if self.timestamp_messages and 'timestamp' not in attrs: attrs['timestamp'] = _datetime_to_rfc3339(_NOW())
[docs] def publish(self, message, client=None, **attrs): """API call: publish a message to a topic via a POST request See: Example without message attributes: .. literalinclude:: :start-after: [START topic_publish_simple_message] :end-before: [END topic_publish_simple_message] With message attributes: .. literalinclude:: :start-after: [START topic_publish_message_with_attrs] :end-before: [END topic_publish_message_with_attrs] :type message: bytes :param message: the message payload :type client: :class:`` or ``NoneType`` :param client: the client to use. If not passed, falls back to the ``client`` stored on the current topic. :type attrs: dict (string -> string) :param attrs: key-value pairs to send as message attributes :rtype: str :returns: message ID assigned by the server to the published message """ client = self._require_client(client) api = client.publisher_api self._timestamp_message(attrs) message_b = base64.b64encode(message).decode('ascii') message_data = {'data': message_b, 'attributes': attrs} message_ids = api.topic_publish(self.full_name, [message_data]) return message_ids[0]
[docs] def batch(self, client=None): """Return a batch to use as a context manager. Example: .. literalinclude:: :start-after: [START topic_batch] :end-before: [END topic_batch] .. note:: The only API request happens during the ``__exit__()`` of the topic used as a context manager, and only if the block exits without raising an exception. :type client: :class:`` or ``NoneType`` :param client: the client to use. If not passed, falls back to the ``client`` stored on the current topic. :rtype: :class:`Batch` :returns: A batch to use as a context manager. """ client = self._require_client(client) return Batch(self, client)
[docs] def list_subscriptions(self, page_size=None, page_token=None, client=None): """List subscriptions for the project associated with this client. See: Example: .. literalinclude:: :start-after: [START topic_list_subscriptions] :end-before: [END topic_list_subscriptions] :type page_size: int :param page_size: maximum number of topics to return, If not passed, defaults to a value set by the API. :type page_token: string :param page_token: opaque marker for the next "page" of topics. If not passed, the API will return the first page of topics. :type client: :class:`` or ``NoneType`` :param client: the client to use. If not passed, falls back to the ``client`` stored on the current topic. :rtype: tuple, (list, str) :returns: list of :class:`~.pubsub.subscription.Subscription`, plus a "next page token" string: if not None, indicates that more topics can be retrieved with another call (pass that value as ``page_token``). """ client = self._require_client(client) api = client.publisher_api sub_paths, next_token = api.topic_list_subscriptions( self.full_name, page_size, page_token) subscriptions = [] for sub_path in sub_paths: sub_name = subscription_name_from_path(sub_path, self.project) subscriptions.append(Subscription(sub_name, self)) return subscriptions, next_token
[docs] def get_iam_policy(self, client=None): """Fetch the IAM policy for the topic. See: Example: .. literalinclude:: :start-after: [START topic_get_iam_policy] :end-before: [END topic_get_iam_policy] :type client: :class:`` or ``NoneType`` :param client: the client to use. If not passed, falls back to the ``client`` stored on the current batch. :rtype: :class:`` :returns: policy created from the resource returned by the ``getIamPolicy`` API request. """ client = self._require_client(client) api = client.iam_policy_api resp = api.get_iam_policy(self.full_name) return Policy.from_api_repr(resp)
[docs] def set_iam_policy(self, policy, client=None): """Update the IAM policy for the topic. See: Example: .. literalinclude:: :start-after: [START topic_set_iam_policy] :end-before: [END topic_set_iam_policy] :type policy: :class:`` :param policy: the new policy, typically fetched via :meth:`get_iam_policy` and updated in place. :type client: :class:`` or ``NoneType`` :param client: the client to use. If not passed, falls back to the ``client`` stored on the current batch. :rtype: :class:`` :returns: updated policy created from the resource returned by the ``setIamPolicy`` API request. """ client = self._require_client(client) api = client.iam_policy_api resource = policy.to_api_repr() resp = api.set_iam_policy(self.full_name, resource) return Policy.from_api_repr(resp)
[docs] def check_iam_permissions(self, permissions, client=None): """Verify permissions allowed for the current user. See: Example: .. literalinclude:: :start-after: [START topic_check_iam_permissions] :end-before: [END topic_check_iam_permissions] :type permissions: list of string :param permissions: list of permissions to be tested :type client: :class:`` or ``NoneType`` :param client: the client to use. If not passed, falls back to the ``client`` stored on the current batch. :rtype: sequence of string :returns: subset of ``permissions`` allowed by current IAM policy. """ client = self._require_client(client) api = client.iam_policy_api return api.test_iam_permissions( self.full_name, list(permissions))
[docs]class Batch(object): """Context manager: collect messages to publish via a single API call. Helper returned by :meth:Topic.batch :type topic: :class:`` :param topic: the topic being published :type client: :class:`` :param client: The client to use. """ def __init__(self, topic, client): self.topic = topic self.messages = [] self.message_ids = [] self.client = client def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): if exc_type is None: self.commit() def __iter__(self): return iter(self.message_ids)
[docs] def publish(self, message, **attrs): """Emulate publishing a message, but save it. :type message: bytes :param message: the message payload :type attrs: dict (string -> string) :param attrs: key-value pairs to send as message attributes """ self.topic._timestamp_message(attrs) self.messages.append( {'data': base64.b64encode(message).decode('ascii'), 'attributes': attrs})
[docs] def commit(self, client=None): """Send saved messages as a single API call. :type client: :class:`` or ``NoneType`` :param client: the client to use. If not passed, falls back to the ``client`` stored on the current batch. """ if not self.messages: return if client is None: client = self.client api = client.publisher_api message_ids = api.topic_publish(self.topic.full_name, self.messages[:]) self.message_ids.extend(message_ids) del self.messages[:]