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# Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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# limitations under the License.

"""Log entries within the Google Stackdriver Logging API."""

import json
import re

from google.protobuf.json_format import Parse

from import _name_from_project_path
from import _rfc3339_nanos_to_datetime

_LOGGER_TEMPLATE = re.compile(r"""
    projects/            # static prefix
    (?P<project>[^/]+)   # initial letter, wordchars + hyphen
    /logs/               # static midfix
    (?P<name>[^/]+)      # initial letter, wordchars + allowed punc
""", re.VERBOSE)

[docs]def logger_name_from_path(path): """Validate a logger URI path and get the logger name. :type path: str :param path: URI path for a logger API request. :rtype: str :returns: Logger name parsed from ``path``. :raises: :class:`ValueError` if the ``path`` is ill-formed or if the project from the ``path`` does not agree with the ``project`` passed in. """ return _name_from_project_path(path, None, _LOGGER_TEMPLATE)
class _BaseEntry(object): """Base class for TextEntry, StructEntry. :type payload: text or dict :param payload: The payload passed as ``textPayload``, ``jsonPayload``, or ``protoPayload``. :type logger: :class:`` :param logger: the logger used to write the entry. :type insert_id: text, or :class:`NoneType` :param insert_id: (optional) the ID used to identify an entry uniquely. :type timestamp: :class:`datetime.datetime`, or :class:`NoneType` :param timestamp: (optional) timestamp for the entry :type labels: dict or :class:`NoneType` :param labels: (optional) mapping of labels for the entry :type severity: string or :class:`NoneType` :param severity: (optional) severity of event being logged. :type http_request: dict or :class:`NoneType` :param http_request: (optional) info about HTTP request associated with the entry """ def __init__(self, payload, logger, insert_id=None, timestamp=None, labels=None, severity=None, http_request=None): self.payload = payload self.logger = logger self.insert_id = insert_id self.timestamp = timestamp self.labels = labels self.severity = severity self.http_request = http_request @classmethod def from_api_repr(cls, resource, client, loggers=None): """Factory: construct an entry given its API representation :type resource: dict :param resource: text entry resource representation returned from the API :type client: :class:`` :param client: Client which holds credentials and project configuration. :type loggers: dict or None :param loggers: A mapping of logger fullnames -> loggers. If not passed, the entry will have a newly-created logger. :rtype: :class:`` :returns: Text entry parsed from ``resource``. """ if loggers is None: loggers = {} logger_fullname = resource['logName'] logger = loggers.get(logger_fullname) if logger is None: logger_name = logger_name_from_path(logger_fullname) logger = loggers[logger_fullname] = client.logger(logger_name) payload = resource[cls._PAYLOAD_KEY] insert_id = resource.get('insertId') timestamp = resource.get('timestamp') if timestamp is not None: timestamp = _rfc3339_nanos_to_datetime(timestamp) labels = resource.get('labels') severity = resource.get('severity') http_request = resource.get('httpRequest') return cls(payload, logger, insert_id=insert_id, timestamp=timestamp, labels=labels, severity=severity, http_request=http_request)
[docs]class TextEntry(_BaseEntry): """Entry created with ``textPayload``. See: """ _PAYLOAD_KEY = 'textPayload'
[docs]class StructEntry(_BaseEntry): """Entry created with ``jsonPayload``. See: """ _PAYLOAD_KEY = 'jsonPayload'
[docs]class ProtobufEntry(_BaseEntry): """Entry created with ``protoPayload``. See: """ _PAYLOAD_KEY = 'protoPayload'
[docs] def parse_message(self, message): """Parse payload into a protobuf message. Mutates the passed-in ``message`` in place. :type message: Protobuf message :param message: the message to be logged """ Parse(json.dumps(self.payload), message)