Source code for

# Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Convenience wrapper for invoking APIs/factories w/ a project."""

import os

from import _LocalStack
from import (
    _determine_default_project as _base_default_project)
from import _ClientProjectMixin
from import Client as _BaseClient
from import helpers
from import Connection
from import Batch
from import Entity
from import Key
from import Query
from import Transaction
from import GCD_DATASET

_MAX_LOOPS = 128
"""Maximum number of iterations to wait for deferred keys."""

def _get_gcd_project():
    """Gets the GCD application ID if it can be inferred."""
    return os.getenv(GCD_DATASET)

def _determine_default_project(project=None):
    """Determine default project explicitly or implicitly as fall-back.

    In implicit case, supports four environments. In order of precedence, the
    implicit environments are:

    * DATASTORE_DATASET environment variable (for ``gcd`` / emulator testing)
    * GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT environment variable
    * Google App Engine application ID
    * Google Compute Engine project ID (from metadata server)

    :type project: string
    :param project: Optional. The project to use as default.

    :rtype: string or ``NoneType``
    :returns: Default project if it can be determined.
    if project is None:
        project = _get_gcd_project()

    if project is None:
        project = _base_default_project(project=project)

    return project

def _extended_lookup(connection, project, key_pbs,
                     missing=None, deferred=None,
                     eventual=False, transaction_id=None):
    """Repeat lookup until all keys found (unless stop requested).

    Helper function for :meth:`Client.get_multi`.

    :type connection: :class:``
    :param connection: The connection used to connect to datastore.

    :type project: string
    :param project: The project to make the request for.

    :type key_pbs: list of :class:`._generated.entity_pb2.Key`
    :param key_pbs: The keys to retrieve from the datastore.

    :type missing: list
    :param missing: (Optional) If a list is passed, the key-only entity
                    protobufs returned by the backend as "missing" will be
                    copied into it.

    :type deferred: list
    :param deferred: (Optional) If a list is passed, the key protobufs returned
                     by the backend as "deferred" will be copied into it.

    :type eventual: bool
    :param eventual: If False (the default), request ``STRONG`` read
                     consistency.  If True, request ``EVENTUAL`` read

    :type transaction_id: string
    :param transaction_id: If passed, make the request in the scope of
                           the given transaction.  Incompatible with

    :rtype: list of :class:`._generated.entity_pb2.Entity`
    :returns: The requested entities.
    :raises: :class:`ValueError` if missing / deferred are not null or
             empty list.
    if missing is not None and missing != []:
        raise ValueError('missing must be None or an empty list')

    if deferred is not None and deferred != []:
        raise ValueError('deferred must be None or an empty list')

    results = []

    loop_num = 0
    while loop_num < _MAX_LOOPS:  # loop against possible deferred.
        loop_num += 1

        results_found, missing_found, deferred_found = connection.lookup(


        if missing is not None:

        if deferred is not None:

        if len(deferred_found) == 0:

        # We have deferred keys, and the user didn't ask to know about
        # them, so retry (but only with the deferred ones).
        key_pbs = deferred_found

    return results

[docs]class Client(_BaseClient, _ClientProjectMixin): """Convenience wrapper for invoking APIs/factories w/ a project. :type project: string :param project: (optional) The project to pass to proxied API methods. :type namespace: string :param namespace: (optional) namespace to pass to proxied API methods. :type credentials: :class:`oauth2client.client.OAuth2Credentials` or :class:`NoneType` :param credentials: The OAuth2 Credentials to use for the connection owned by this client. If not passed (and if no ``http`` object is passed), falls back to the default inferred from the environment. :type http: :class:`httplib2.Http` or class that defines ``request()``. :param http: An optional HTTP object to make requests. If not passed, an ``http`` object is created that is bound to the ``credentials`` for the current object. """ _connection_class = Connection def __init__(self, project=None, namespace=None, credentials=None, http=None): _ClientProjectMixin.__init__(self, project=project) self.namespace = namespace self._batch_stack = _LocalStack() super(Client, self).__init__(credentials, http) @staticmethod def _determine_default(project): """Helper: override default project detection.""" return _determine_default_project(project) def _push_batch(self, batch): """Push a batch/transaction onto our stack. "Protected", intended for use by batch / transaction context mgrs. :type batch: :class:``, or an object implementing its API. :param batch: newly-active batch/transaction. """ self._batch_stack.push(batch) def _pop_batch(self): """Pop a batch/transaction from our stack. "Protected", intended for use by batch / transaction context mgrs. :raises: IndexError if the stack is empty. :rtype: :class:``, or an object implementing its API. :returns: the top-most batch/transaction, after removing it. """ return self._batch_stack.pop() @property def current_batch(self): """Currently-active batch. :rtype: :class:``, or an object implementing its API, or ``NoneType`` (if no batch is active). :returns: The batch/transaction at the top of the batch stack. """ return @property def current_transaction(self): """Currently-active transaction. :rtype: :class:``, or an object implementing its API, or ``NoneType`` (if no transaction is active). :returns: The transaction at the top of the batch stack. """ transaction = self.current_batch if isinstance(transaction, Transaction): return transaction
[docs] def get(self, key, missing=None, deferred=None, transaction=None): """Retrieve an entity from a single key (if it exists). .. note:: This is just a thin wrapper over :meth:`get_multi`. The backend API does not make a distinction between a single key or multiple keys in a lookup request. :type key: :class:`` :param key: The key to be retrieved from the datastore. :type missing: list :param missing: (Optional) If a list is passed, the key-only entities returned by the backend as "missing" will be copied into it. :type deferred: list :param deferred: (Optional) If a list is passed, the keys returned by the backend as "deferred" will be copied into it. :type transaction: :class:`~.transaction.Transaction` :param transaction: (Optional) Transaction to use for read consistency. If not passed, uses current transaction, if set. :rtype: :class:`` or ``NoneType`` :returns: The requested entity if it exists. """ entities = self.get_multi(keys=[key], missing=missing, deferred=deferred, transaction=transaction) if entities: return entities[0]
[docs] def get_multi(self, keys, missing=None, deferred=None, transaction=None): """Retrieve entities, along with their attributes. :type keys: list of :class:`` :param keys: The keys to be retrieved from the datastore. :type missing: list :param missing: (Optional) If a list is passed, the key-only entities returned by the backend as "missing" will be copied into it. If the list is not empty, an error will occur. :type deferred: list :param deferred: (Optional) If a list is passed, the keys returned by the backend as "deferred" will be copied into it. If the list is not empty, an error will occur. :type transaction: :class:`~.transaction.Transaction` :param transaction: (Optional) Transaction to use for read consistency. If not passed, uses current transaction, if set. :rtype: list of :class:`` :returns: The requested entities. :raises: :class:`ValueError` if one or more of ``keys`` has a project which does not match our project. """ if not keys: return [] ids = set(key.project for key in keys) for current_id in ids: if current_id != self.project: raise ValueError('Keys do not match project') if transaction is None: transaction = self.current_transaction entity_pbs = _extended_lookup( connection=self.connection, project=self.project, key_pbs=[k.to_protobuf() for k in keys], missing=missing, deferred=deferred, transaction_id=transaction and, ) if missing is not None: missing[:] = [ helpers.entity_from_protobuf(missed_pb) for missed_pb in missing] if deferred is not None: deferred[:] = [ helpers.key_from_protobuf(deferred_pb) for deferred_pb in deferred] return [helpers.entity_from_protobuf(entity_pb) for entity_pb in entity_pbs]
[docs] def put(self, entity): """Save an entity in the Cloud Datastore. .. note:: This is just a thin wrapper over :meth:`put_multi`. The backend API does not make a distinction between a single entity or multiple entities in a commit request. :type entity: :class:`` :param entity: The entity to be saved to the datastore. """ self.put_multi(entities=[entity])
[docs] def put_multi(self, entities): """Save entities in the Cloud Datastore. :type entities: list of :class:`` :param entities: The entities to be saved to the datastore. :raises: :class:`ValueError` if ``entities`` is a single entity. """ if isinstance(entities, Entity): raise ValueError("Pass a sequence of entities") if not entities: return current = self.current_batch in_batch = current is not None if not in_batch: current = self.batch() current.begin() for entity in entities: current.put(entity) if not in_batch: current.commit()
[docs] def delete(self, key): """Delete the key in the Cloud Datastore. .. note:: This is just a thin wrapper over :meth:`delete_multi`. The backend API does not make a distinction between a single key or multiple keys in a commit request. :type key: :class:`` :param key: The key to be deleted from the datastore. """ self.delete_multi(keys=[key])
[docs] def delete_multi(self, keys): """Delete keys from the Cloud Datastore. :type keys: list of :class:`` :param keys: The keys to be deleted from the Datastore. """ if not keys: return # We allow partial keys to attempt a delete, the backend will fail. current = self.current_batch in_batch = current is not None if not in_batch: current = self.batch() current.begin() for key in keys: current.delete(key) if not in_batch: current.commit()
[docs] def allocate_ids(self, incomplete_key, num_ids): """Allocate a list of IDs from a partial key. :type incomplete_key: :class:`` :param incomplete_key: Partial key to use as base for allocated IDs. :type num_ids: int :param num_ids: The number of IDs to allocate. :rtype: list of :class:`` :returns: The (complete) keys allocated with ``incomplete_key`` as root. :raises: :class:`ValueError` if ``incomplete_key`` is not a partial key. """ if not incomplete_key.is_partial: raise ValueError(('Key is not partial.', incomplete_key)) incomplete_key_pb = incomplete_key.to_protobuf() incomplete_key_pbs = [incomplete_key_pb] * num_ids conn = self.connection allocated_key_pbs = conn.allocate_ids(incomplete_key.project, incomplete_key_pbs) allocated_ids = [allocated_key_pb.path[-1].id for allocated_key_pb in allocated_key_pbs] return [incomplete_key.completed_key(allocated_id) for allocated_id in allocated_ids]
[docs] def key(self, *path_args, **kwargs): """Proxy to :class:``. Passes our ``project``. """ if 'project' in kwargs: raise TypeError('Cannot pass project') kwargs['project'] = self.project if 'namespace' not in kwargs: kwargs['namespace'] = self.namespace return Key(*path_args, **kwargs)
[docs] def batch(self): """Proxy to :class:``.""" return Batch(self)
[docs] def transaction(self): """Proxy to :class:``.""" return Transaction(self)
[docs] def query(self, **kwargs): """Proxy to :class:``. Passes our ``project``. Using query to search a datastore:: >>> from import datastore >>> client = datastore.Client() >>> query = client.query(kind='MyKind') >>> query.add_filter('property', '=', 'val') Using the query iterator's :meth:`` method: >>> query_iter = query.fetch() >>> entities, more_results, cursor = query_iter.next_page() >>> entities [<list of Entity unmarshalled from protobuf>] >>> more_results <boolean of more results> >>> cursor <string containing cursor where fetch stopped> Under the hood this is doing: >>> connection.run_query('project', query.to_protobuf()) [<list of Entity Protobufs>], cursor, more_results, skipped_results :type kwargs: dict :param kwargs: Parameters for initializing and instance of :class:``. :rtype: :class:`` :returns: An instance of :class:`` """ if 'client' in kwargs: raise TypeError('Cannot pass client') if 'project' in kwargs: raise TypeError('Cannot pass project') kwargs['project'] = self.project if 'namespace' not in kwargs: kwargs['namespace'] = self.namespace return Query(self, **kwargs)