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"""Container for Google Cloud Bigtable Cells and Streaming Row Contents."""

import copy
import six

from import _datetime_from_microseconds
from import _to_bytes

[docs]class Cell(object): """Representation of a Google Cloud Bigtable Cell. :type value: bytes :param value: The value stored in the cell. :type timestamp: :class:`datetime.datetime` :param timestamp: The timestamp when the cell was stored. :type labels: list :param labels: (Optional) List of strings. Labels applied to the cell. """ def __init__(self, value, timestamp, labels=()): self.value = value self.timestamp = timestamp self.labels = list(labels) @classmethod
[docs] def from_pb(cls, cell_pb): """Create a new cell from a Cell protobuf. :type cell_pb: :class:`._generated.data_pb2.Cell` :param cell_pb: The protobuf to convert. :rtype: :class:`Cell` :returns: The cell corresponding to the protobuf. """ timestamp = _datetime_from_microseconds(cell_pb.timestamp_micros) if cell_pb.labels: return cls(cell_pb.value, timestamp, labels=cell_pb.labels) else: return cls(cell_pb.value, timestamp)
def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return (other.value == self.value and other.timestamp == self.timestamp and other.labels == self.labels) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs]class PartialCellData(object): """Representation of partial cell in a Google Cloud Bigtable Table. These are expected to be updated directly from a :class:`._generated.bigtable_service_messages_pb2.ReadRowsResponse` :type row_key: bytes :param row_key: The key for the row holding the (partial) cell. :type family_name: str :param family_name: The family name of the (partial) cell. :type qualifier: bytes :param qualifier: The column qualifier of the (partial) cell. :type timestamp_micros: int :param timestamp_micros: The timestamp (in microsecods) of the (partial) cell. :type labels: list of str :param labels: labels assigned to the (partial) cell :type value: bytes :param value: The (accumulated) value of the (partial) cell. """ def __init__(self, row_key, family_name, qualifier, timestamp_micros, labels=(), value=b''): self.row_key = row_key self.family_name = family_name self.qualifier = qualifier self.timestamp_micros = timestamp_micros self.labels = labels self.value = value
[docs] def append_value(self, value): """Append bytes from a new chunk to value. :type value: bytes :param value: bytes to append """ self.value += value
[docs]class PartialRowData(object): """Representation of partial row in a Google Cloud Bigtable Table. These are expected to be updated directly from a :class:`._generated.bigtable_service_messages_pb2.ReadRowsResponse` :type row_key: bytes :param row_key: The key for the row holding the (partial) data. """ def __init__(self, row_key): self._row_key = row_key self._cells = {} def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return (other._row_key == self._row_key and other._cells == self._cells) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Convert the cells to a dictionary. This is intended to be used with HappyBase, so the column family and column qualiers are combined (with ``:``). :rtype: dict :returns: Dictionary containing all the data in the cells of this row. """ result = {} for column_family_id, columns in six.iteritems(self._cells): for column_qual, cells in six.iteritems(columns): key = (_to_bytes(column_family_id) + b':' + _to_bytes(column_qual)) result[key] = cells return result
@property def cells(self): """Property returning all the cells accumulated on this partial row. :rtype: dict :returns: Dictionary of the :class:`Cell` objects accumulated. This dictionary has two-levels of keys (first for column families and second for column names/qualifiers within a family). For a given column, a list of :class:`Cell` objects is stored. """ return copy.deepcopy(self._cells) @property def row_key(self): """Getter for the current (partial) row's key. :rtype: bytes :returns: The current (partial) row's key. """ return self._row_key
[docs]class InvalidReadRowsResponse(RuntimeError): """Exception raised to to invalid response data from back-end."""
[docs]class InvalidChunk(RuntimeError): """Exception raised to to invalid chunk data from back-end."""
[docs]class PartialRowsData(object): """Convenience wrapper for consuming a ``ReadRows`` streaming response. :type response_iterator: :class:`` :param response_iterator: A streaming iterator returned from a ``ReadRows`` request. """ START = "Start" # No responses yet processed. NEW_ROW = "New row" # No cells yet complete for row ROW_IN_PROGRESS = "Row in progress" # Some cells complete for row CELL_IN_PROGRESS = "Cell in progress" # Incomplete cell for row def __init__(self, response_iterator): self._response_iterator = response_iterator # Fully-processed rows, keyed by `row_key` self._rows = {} # Counter for responses pulled from iterator self._counter = 0 # Maybe cached from previous response self._last_scanned_row_key = None # In-progress row, unset until first response, after commit/reset self._row = None # Last complete row, unset until first commit self._previous_row = None # In-progress cell, unset until first response, after completion self._cell = None # Last complete cell, unset until first completion, after new row self._previous_cell = None def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return other._response_iterator == self._response_iterator def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) @property def state(self): """State machine state. :rtype: str :returns: name of state corresponding to currrent row / chunk processing. """ if self._last_scanned_row_key is None: return self.START if self._row is None: assert self._cell is None assert self._previous_cell is None return self.NEW_ROW if self._cell is not None: return self.CELL_IN_PROGRESS if self._previous_cell is not None: return self.ROW_IN_PROGRESS return self.NEW_ROW # row added, no chunk yet processed @property def rows(self): """Property returning all rows accumulated from the stream. :rtype: dict :returns: row_key -> :class:`PartialRowData`. """ # NOTE: To avoid duplicating large objects, this is just the # mutable private data. return self._rows
[docs] def cancel(self): """Cancels the iterator, closing the stream.""" self._response_iterator.cancel()
[docs] def consume_next(self): """Consume the next ``ReadRowsResponse`` from the stream. Parse the response and its chunks into a new/existing row in :attr:`_rows` """ response = self._counter += 1 if self._last_scanned_row_key is None: # first response if response.last_scanned_row_key: raise InvalidReadRowsResponse() self._last_scanned_row_key = response.last_scanned_row_key row = self._row cell = self._cell for chunk in response.chunks: self._validate_chunk(chunk) if chunk.reset_row: row = self._row = None cell = self._cell = self._previous_cell = None continue if row is None: row = self._row = PartialRowData(chunk.row_key) if cell is None: cell = self._cell = PartialCellData( chunk.row_key, chunk.family_name.value, chunk.qualifier.value, chunk.timestamp_micros, chunk.labels, chunk.value) self._copy_from_previous(cell) else: cell.append_value(chunk.value) if chunk.commit_row: self._save_current_row() row = cell = None continue if chunk.value_size == 0: self._save_current_cell() cell = None
[docs] def consume_all(self, max_loops=None): """Consume the streamed responses until there are no more. This simply calls :meth:`consume_next` until there are no more to consume. :type max_loops: int :param max_loops: (Optional) Maximum number of times to try to consume an additional ``ReadRowsResponse``. You can use this to avoid long wait times. """ curr_loop = 0 if max_loops is None: max_loops = float('inf') while curr_loop < max_loops: curr_loop += 1 try: self.consume_next() except StopIteration: break
@staticmethod def _validate_chunk_status(chunk): """Helper for :meth:`_validate_chunk_row_in_progress`, etc.""" # No reseet with other keys if chunk.reset_row: _raise_if(chunk.row_key) _raise_if(chunk.HasField('family_name')) _raise_if(chunk.HasField('qualifier')) _raise_if(chunk.timestamp_micros) _raise_if(chunk.labels) _raise_if(chunk.value_size) _raise_if(chunk.value) # No commit with value size _raise_if(chunk.commit_row and chunk.value_size > 0) # No negative value_size (inferred as a general constraint). _raise_if(chunk.value_size < 0) def _validate_chunk_new_row(self, chunk): """Helper for :meth:`_validate_chunk`.""" assert self.state == self.NEW_ROW _raise_if(chunk.reset_row) _raise_if(not chunk.row_key) _raise_if(not chunk.family_name) _raise_if(not chunk.qualifier) # This constraint is not enforced in the Go example. _raise_if(chunk.value_size > 0 and chunk.commit_row is not False) # This constraint is from the Go example, not the spec. _raise_if(self._previous_row is not None and chunk.row_key <= self._previous_row.row_key) def _same_as_previous(self, chunk): """Helper for :meth:`_validate_chunk_row_in_progress`""" previous = self._previous_cell return (chunk.row_key == previous.row_key and chunk.family_name == previous.family_name and chunk.qualifier == previous.qualifier and chunk.labels == previous.labels) def _validate_chunk_row_in_progress(self, chunk): """Helper for :meth:`_validate_chunk`""" assert self.state == self.ROW_IN_PROGRESS self._validate_chunk_status(chunk) if not chunk.HasField('commit_row') and not chunk.reset_row: _raise_if(not chunk.timestamp_micros or not chunk.value) _raise_if(chunk.row_key and chunk.row_key != self._row.row_key) _raise_if(chunk.HasField('family_name') and not chunk.HasField('qualifier')) previous = self._previous_cell _raise_if(self._same_as_previous(chunk) and chunk.timestamp_micros <= previous.timestamp_micros) def _validate_chunk_cell_in_progress(self, chunk): """Helper for :meth:`_validate_chunk`""" assert self.state == self.CELL_IN_PROGRESS self._validate_chunk_status(chunk) self._copy_from_current(chunk) def _validate_chunk(self, chunk): """Helper for :meth:`consume_next`.""" if self.state == self.NEW_ROW: self._validate_chunk_new_row(chunk) if self.state == self.ROW_IN_PROGRESS: self._validate_chunk_row_in_progress(chunk) if self.state == self.CELL_IN_PROGRESS: self._validate_chunk_cell_in_progress(chunk) def _save_current_cell(self): """Helper for :meth:`consume_next`.""" row, cell = self._row, self._cell family = row._cells.setdefault(cell.family_name, {}) qualified = family.setdefault(cell.qualifier, []) complete = Cell.from_pb(self._cell) qualified.append(complete) self._cell, self._previous_cell = None, cell def _copy_from_current(self, chunk): """Helper for :meth:`consume_next`.""" current = self._cell if current is not None: if not chunk.row_key: chunk.row_key = current.row_key if not chunk.HasField('family_name'): chunk.family_name.value = current.family_name if not chunk.HasField('qualifier'): chunk.qualifier.value = current.qualifier if not chunk.timestamp_micros: chunk.timestamp_micros = current.timestamp_micros if not chunk.labels: chunk.labels.extend(current.labels) def _copy_from_previous(self, cell): """Helper for :meth:`consume_next`.""" previous = self._previous_cell if previous is not None: if not cell.row_key: cell.row_key = previous.row_key if not cell.family_name: cell.family_name = previous.family_name if not cell.qualifier: cell.qualifier = previous.qualifier def _save_current_row(self): """Helper for :meth:`consume_next`.""" if self._cell: self._save_current_cell() self._rows[self._row.row_key] = self._row self._row, self._previous_row = None, self._row self._previous_cell = None
def _raise_if(predicate, *args): """Helper for validation methods.""" if predicate: raise InvalidChunk(*args)