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# Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Client for interacting with the Google Cloud Translate API."""

import httplib2
import six

from import _to_bytes
from import Connection

ENGLISH_ISO_639 = 'en'
"""ISO 639-1 language code for English."""

[docs]class Client(object): """Client to bundle configuration needed for API requests. :type api_key: str :param api_key: The key used to send with requests as a query parameter. :type http: :class:`httplib2.Http` or class that defines ``request()``. :param http: (Optional) HTTP object to make requests. If not passed, an :class:`httplib.Http` object is created. :type target_language: str :param target_language: (Optional) The target language used for translations and language names. (Defaults to :data:`ENGLISH_ISO_639`.) """ def __init__(self, api_key, http=None, target_language=ENGLISH_ISO_639): self.api_key = api_key if http is None: http = httplib2.Http() self.connection = Connection(http=http) self.target_language = target_language
[docs] def get_languages(self, target_language=None): """Get list of supported languages for translation. Response See:\ discovering-supported-languages-with-rest :type target_language: str :param target_language: (Optional) The language used to localize returned language names. Defaults to the target language on the current client. :rtype: list :returns: List of dictionaries. Each dictionary contains a supported ISO 639-1 language code (using the dictionary key ``language``). If ``target_language`` is passed, each dictionary will also contain the name of each supported language (localized to the target language). """ query_params = {'key': self.api_key} if target_language is None: target_language = self.target_language if target_language is not None: query_params['target'] = target_language response = self.connection.api_request( method='GET', path='/languages', query_params=query_params) return response.get('data', {}).get('languages', ())
[docs] def detect_language(self, values): """Detect the language of a string or list of strings. See:\ detecting-language-with-rest :type values: str or list :param values: String or list of strings that will have language detected. :rtype: str or list :returns: A list of dictionaries for each queried value. Each dictionary typically contains three keys * ``confidence``: The confidence in language detection, a float between 0 and 1. * ``input``: The corresponding input value. * ``language``: The detected language (as an ISO 639-1 language code). though the key ``confidence`` may not always be present. If only a single value is passed, then only a single dictionary will be returned. :raises: :class:`ValueError <exceptions.ValueError>` if the number of detections is not equal to the number of values. :class:`ValueError <exceptions.ValueError>` if a value produces a list of detections with 0 or multiple results in it. """ single_value = False if isinstance(values, six.string_types): single_value = True values = [values] query_params = [('key', self.api_key)] query_params.extend(('q', _to_bytes(value, 'utf-8')) for value in values) response = self.connection.api_request( method='GET', path='/detect', query_params=query_params) detections = response.get('data', {}).get('detections', ()) if len(values) != len(detections): raise ValueError('Expected same number of values and detections', values, detections) for index, value in enumerate(values): # Empirically, even clearly ambiguous text like "no" only returns # a single detection, so we replace the list of detections with # the single detection contained. if len(detections[index]) == 1: detections[index] = detections[index][0] else: message = ('Expected a single detection per value, API ' 'returned %d') % (len(detections[index]),) raise ValueError(message, value, detections[index]) detections[index]['input'] = value # The ``isReliable`` field is deprecated. detections[index].pop('isReliable', None) if single_value: return detections[0] else: return detections
[docs] def translate(self, values, target_language=None, format_=None, source_language=None, customization_ids=()): """Translate a string or list of strings. See:\ translating-text-with-rest :type values: str or list :param values: String or list of strings to translate. :type target_language: str :param target_language: The language to translate results into. This is required by the API and defaults to the target language of the current instance. :type format_: str :param format_: (Optional) One of ``text`` or ``html``, to specify if the input text is plain text or HTML. :type source_language: str :param source_language: (Optional) The language of the text to be translated. :type customization_ids: str or list :param customization_ids: (Optional) ID or list of customization IDs for translation. Sets the ``cid`` parameter in the query. :rtype: str or list list :returns: A list of dictionaries for each queried value. Each dictionary typically contains three keys (though not all will be present in all cases) * ``detectedSourceLanguage``: The detected language (as an ISO 639-1 language code) of the text. * ``translatedText``: The translation of the text into the target language. * ``input``: The corresponding input value. If only a single value is passed, then only a single dictionary will be returned. :raises: :class:`ValueError <exceptions.ValueError>` if the number of values and translations differ. """ single_value = False if isinstance(values, six.string_types): single_value = True values = [values] if target_language is None: target_language = self.target_language if isinstance(customization_ids, six.string_types): customization_ids = [customization_ids] query_params = [('key', self.api_key), ('target', target_language)] query_params.extend(('q', _to_bytes(value, 'utf-8')) for value in values) query_params.extend(('cid', cid) for cid in customization_ids) if format_ is not None: query_params.append(('format', format_)) if source_language is not None: query_params.append(('source', source_language)) response = self.connection.api_request( method='GET', path='', query_params=query_params) translations = response.get('data', {}).get('translations', ()) if len(values) != len(translations): raise ValueError('Expected iterations to have same length', values, translations) for value, translation in, translations): translation['input'] = value if single_value: return translations[0] else: return translations